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Partonomy list |
FMA | TA | UID | ISA |
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
23881 | 259 | tax |
skeletal system
systema skeletale
7483 | 268 | tax |
axial skeletal system
systema skeletale axiale
46565 | 305 | tax |
cranium ; skull
17006 |
aspects of cranium
normae cranii
75375 | 306 |
frontal aspect of cranium ; facial aspect of cranium
norma frontalis cranii ; norma facialis cranii
75376 | 307 |
superior aspect of cranium ; vertical aspect of cranium ; vertex aspect of cranium
norma superior cranii ; norma verticalis cranii
75377 | 308 |
occipital aspect of cranium
norma occipitalis cranii
75378 | 309 |
lateral aspect of cranium
norma lateralis cranii
75379 | 310 |
inferior aspect
norma inferior ; norma basalis
17008 |
subdivisions of cranium
divisiones cranii
53672 | 311 | tax |
neurocranium ; brain box
53673 | 312 | tax |
viscerocranium ; facial skeleton
76621 | 313 | tax |
76622 | 314 | tax |
76623 | 315 | tax |
pericranium ; periosteum externum
17009 |
terms of cranium
termini cranii
63865 | 317 | tax |
forehead ; frontal part of cranium ; sinciput
frons ; pars frontalis cranii ; sinciput
49187 | 318 | tax |
264779 | 319 | tax |
264776 | 320 | tax |
264773 | 321 | tax |
76624 | 322 | tax |
264720 | 323 | tax |
pterion (pair)
pterion (par)
76625 | 324 | tax |
asterion (pair)
asterion (par)
76626 | 325 | tax |
gonion (pair)
gonion (par)
17010 |
314557 | 326 | tax |
temporal fossa (pair)
fossa temporalis (par)
53120 | 327 | tax |
zygomatic arch (pair)
arcus zygomaticus (par)
75308 | 328 | tax |
infratemporal fossa (pair)
fossa infratemporalis (par)
75309 | 329 | tax |
pterygopalatine fossa (pair)
fossa pterygopalatina (par)
76627 | 330 | tax |
pterygomaxillary fissure (pair)
fissura pterygomaxillaris (par)
75438 | 331 | tax |
fonticuli cranii
75439 | 332 | tax |
anterior fontanelle
fonticulus anterior
75440 | 333 | tax |
posterior fontanelle
fonticulus posterior
334 | tax |
sphenoidal fontanelle (pair) ; anterolateral fontanelle (pair)
fonticulus sphenoidalis (par) ; fonticulus anterolateralis (par)
75442 | 335 | tax |
mastoid fontanelle (pair) ; posterolateral fontanelle (pair)
fonticulus mastoideus (par) ; fonticulus posterolateralis (par)
9644 | 316 | tax |
cranial cavity
cavitas cranii
52800 | 336 | tax |
46484 | 337 | tax |
vertex of cranium
vertex cranii
76628 | 338 | tax |
external table of calvaria
lamina externa calvariae
76630 | 339 | tax |
diploë of calvaria
diploe calvariae
340 |
diploic canals
canales diploici
76629 | 341 | tax |
internal table of calvaria
lamina interna calvariae
57118 | 342 | tax |
groove of superior sagittal sinus
sulcus sinus sagittalis superioris
343 |
granular foveolae
foveolae granulares
344 |
impressions of cerebral gyri
impressiones gyrorum cerebri ; impressiones digitata
17012↓ |
cerebral juga
juga cerebralia
345 |
venous grooves of calvaria
sulci venosi calvariae
346 |
arterial grooves of calvaria
sulci arteriosi calvariae
59327 | 347 | tax |
(sutural bone )
(os suturale )
52801 | 348 | tax |
cranial base; basicranium
basis cranii
53128 | 349 | tax |
internal surface of cranial base
basis cranii interna
75038 | 350 | tax |
sphenopetrous fissure ; petrosphenoidal fissure
fissura sphenopetrosa
75039 | 351 | tax |
petrooccipital fissure
fissura petrooccipitalis
9682 | 352 | tax |
anterior cranial fossa
fossa cranii anterior
54369 | 353 | tax |
middle cranial fossa
fossa cranii media
54368 | 354 | tax |
posterior cranial fossa
fossa cranii posterior
54376 | 355 | tax |
75339 | 356 | tax |
groove of inferior petrous sinus (pair)
sulcus sinus petrosi inferioris (par)
53129 | 357 | tax |
external surface of cranial base
basis cranii externa
56432 | 358 | tax |
jugular foramen (pair)
foramen jugulare (par)
54809 | 359↓ | tax |
lacerum foramen (pair)
foramen lacerum (par)
59857 | 360 | tax |
bony palate
palatum osseum
57761 | 361 | tax |
greater palatine canal (pair)
canalis palatinus major (par)
53173 | 362 | tax |
greater palatine foramen (pair)
foramen palatinum majus (par)
302871 | 711 | tax | ||||
300051 | 364 | tax |
incisive fossa
fossa incisiva
59107 | 10653 | tax | ||||
75305 | 10654 | tax | ||||
59201 | 367 | tax |
(palatine torus )
(torus palatinus )
54372 | 368 | tax |
palatovaginal canal (pair)
canalis palatovaginalis (par)
54373 | 369 | tax |
vomerovaginal canal (pair)
canalis vomerovaginalis (par)
54374 | 370 | tax |
vomerorostral canal (pair)
canalis vomerorostralis (par)
53074 | 371 | tax |
orbit (pair)
orbita (par)
84961 | 372 | tax |
orbital cavity (pair)
cavitas orbitalis (par)
53134 | 373 | tax |
orbital opening (pair)
aditus orbitalis (par)
53176 | 374 | tax |
orbital margins (pair)
margines orbitales (par)
53097 | 375 | tax |
superior margin of orbit (pair)
margo superior orbitae (par)
53097 | 429 | tax | ||||
53177 | 376 | tax |
inferior margin of orbit (pair)
margo inferior orbitae (par)
53177 | 661 | tax | ||||
53178 | 377 | tax |
lateral margin of orbit (pair)
margo lateralis orbitae (par)
53179 | 378 | tax |
medial margin of orbit (pair)
margo medialis orbitae (par)
264912 | 10989 | tax |
walls of orbit (pair)
parietes orbitae (par)
53078 | 379 | tax |
roof of orbit (pair)
paries superior orbitae (par)
57131 | 444 | tax | ||||
53079 | 380 | tax |
floor of orbit (pair)
paries inferior orbitae (par)
57694 | 658 | tax | ||||
53080 | 381 | tax |
lateral wall of orbit (pair)
paries lateralis orbitae (par)
59226 | 718 | tax | ||||
17013↓ | tax |
cranioorbital foramen (pair)
foramen cranioorbitale (par)
17014↓ | tax |
sphenotemporal foramen (pair)
foramen sphenotemporale (par)
53081 | 382 | tax |
medial wall of orbit (pair)
paries medialis orbitae (par)
53135 | 383 | tax |
anterior ethmoidal foramen of orbit (pair)
foramen ethmoidale anterius orbitae (par)
17015 | tax |
orbitocranial canal (pair)
canalis orbitocranialis (par)
53136 | 384 | tax |
posterior ethmoidal foramen of orbit (pair)
foramen ethmoidale posterius orbitae (par)
17016 | tax |
orbitoethmoidal canal (pair)
canalis orbitoethmoidalis (par)
57712 | 673 | tax | ||||
54390 | 386 | tax |
fossa of lacrimal pouch (pair)
fossa sacci lacrimalis (par)
54799 | 512 | tax | ||||
54802 | 388 | tax |
inferior orbital fissure (pair) ; sphenomaxillary fissure (pair)
fissura orbitalis inferior (par)
54370 | 389 | tax |
nasolacrimal canal (pair)
canalis nasolacrimalis (par)
75740 | 390 | tax |
bony nasal cavity
cavitas nasalis ossea
59837 | 391 | tax |
bony nasal septum
septum nasi osseum
53137 | 392 | tax |
piriform aperture (pair)
apertura piriformis (par)
393 | tax |
superior nasal meatus (pair)
meatus nasi superior (par)
394 | tax |
middle nasal meatus (pair)
meatus nasi medius (par)
59737 | 2806 |
atrium of middle nasal meatus (pair)
atrium meatus nasi medii (par)
395 | tax |
inferior nasal meatus (pair)
meatus nasi inferior (par)
54371 | 396 | tax |
opening of nasolacrimal canal (pair)
ostium canalis nasolacrimalis (par)
397 | tax |
common nasal meatus
meatus nasi communis
59734 | 398 | tax |
sphenoethmoidal recess (pair)
recessus sphenoethmoidalis (par)
399 | tax |
nasopharyngeal meatus
meatus nasopharyngeus
400 | tax |
choana (pair) ; posterior nasal opening (pair)
choana (par) ; apertura nasalis posterior (par)
53144 | 401 | tax |
sphenopalatine foramen
foramen sphenopalatinum
10463 | 402 | tax |
bones of cranium
ossa cranii
9613 | 403 | tax |
parietal bone (pair)
os parietale (par)
52791 | 404 | tax |
internal surface of parietal bone (pair)
facies interna ossis parietalis (par)
57100 | 405 | tax |
sulcus of sigmoid sinus (pair)
sulcus sinus sigmoidei (par)
57108 | 406 | tax |
sulcus of superior sagittal sinus (pair)
sulcus sinus sagittalis superioris (par)
57111 | 407 | tax |
sulcus of middle meningeal artery (pair)
sulcus arteriae meningeae mediae (par)
57114 | 408 | tax |
sulci of branch of middle meningeal artery (pair)
sulci rami arteriae meningeae mediae (par)
52792 | 409 | tax |
external surface of parietal bone (pair)
facies externa ossis parietalis (par)
57424 | 410 | tax |
superior temporal line (pair)
linea temporalis superior (par)
57427 | 411 | tax |
inferior temporal line (pair)
linea temporalis inferior (par)
57080 | 412 | tax |
parietal tuber (pair) ; parietal eminence (pair)
tuber parietale (par) ; eminentia parietalis (par)
53093 | 413 | tax |
occipital border of parietal bone (pair)
margo occipitalis ossis parietalis (par)
53094 | 414 | tax |
squamous border of parietal bone (pair)
margo squamosus ossis parietalis (par)
53095 | 415 | tax |
sagittal border of parietal bone (pair)
margo sagittalis ossis parietalis (par)
53096 | 416 | tax |
frontal border of parietal bone (pair)
margo frontalis ossis parietalis (par)
57430 | 417 | tax |
frontal angle of parietal bone (pair)
angulus frontalis ossis parietalis (par)
57433 | 418 | tax |
occipital angle of parietal bone (pair)
angulus occipitalis ossis parietalis (par)
57436 | 419 | tax |
sphenoidal angle of parietal bone (pair)
angulus sphenoidalis ossis parietalis (par)
57439 | 420 | tax |
mastoid angle of parietal bone (pair)
angulus mastoideus ossis parietalis (par)
53145 | 421 | tax |
parietal foramen (pair)
foramen parietale (par)
52734 | 422 | tax |
frontal bone
os frontale
52848 | 423 | tax |
squamous part of frontal bone
squama frontalis
52855 | 424 | tax |
external surface of frontal bone
facies externa ossis frontalis
53097 | 429 | tax |
supraorbital margin of frontal bone (pair)
margo supraorbitalis ossis frontalis (par)
57390 | 430 | tax |
supraorbital notch (pair)
incisura supraorbitalis (par)
431 | tax |
frontal notch (pair)
incisura frontalis (par)
57412 | 17017 | tax |
supraorbital foramen (pair)
foramen supraorbitale (par)
57409 | 17018 | tax |
(frontal foramen (pair) )
(foramen frontale (par) )
52852 | 425 | tax |
frontal tuber (pair) ; frontal eminence (pair)
tuber frontale (par) ; eminentia frontalis (par)
52850 | 426 | tax |
superciliary arch (pair)
arcus superciliaris (par)
52851 | 427 | tax |
52989 | 428 | tax |
(frontal suture ; metopic suture )
(sutura frontalis persistens; sutura metopica )
57133 | 432 | tax |
temporal surface of frontal bone (pair)
facies temporalis ossis frontalis (par)
53098 | 433 | tax |
parietal border of frontal bone (pair)
margo parietalis ossis frontalis (par)
75040 | 434 | tax |
temporal line of frontal bone (pair)
linea temporalis ossis frontalis (par)
54389 | 435 | tax |
zygomatic process of frontal bone (pair)
processus zygomaticus ossis frontalis (par)
52856 | 436 | tax |
internal surface of frontal bone
facies interna ossis frontalis
57120 | 438 | tax |
groove of superior sagittal sinus
sulcus sinus sagittalis superioris
57415 | 437 | tax |
frontal crest
crista frontalis
57443 | 439 | tax |
foramen caecum ▲
foramen caecum
52853 | 440 | tax |
nasal part of frontal bone
pars nasalis ossis frontalis
57420 | 441 | tax |
nasal spine
spina nasalis
57422 | 442 | tax |
nasal border
margo nasalis
52849 | 443 | tax |
orbital part of frontal bone (pair) ; orbital plate of frontal bone (pair)
pars orbitalis ossis frontalis (par) ; lamina orbitalis ossis frontalis (par)
57131 | 444 | tax |
orbital surface of frontal bone (pair)
facies orbitalis ossis frontalis (par)
57399 | 446 | tax |
trochlear fovea (pair)
fovea trochlearis (par)
57396 | 447 | tax |
fossa of lacrimal gland (pair) ; lacrimal fossa (pair)
fossa glandulae lacrimalis (par)
75742 | 445 | tax |
(trochlear spine (pair) )
(spina trochlearis (par) )
53099 | 448 | tax |
sphenoidal border of frontal bone (pair)
margo sphenoidalis ossis frontalis (par)
57388 | 449 | tax |
ethmoidal notch
incisura ethmoidalis
57417 | 450 | tax |
frontal sinus (pair)
sinus frontalis (par)
57402 | 451 | tax |
opening of frontal sinus (pair)
apertura sinus frontalis (par)
57423 | 452 | tax |
septum of frontal sinus
septum intersinuale frontale; septum sinuum frontalium
52735 | 453 | tax |
occipital bone
os occipitale
75306 | 454 | tax |
foramen magnum
foramen magnum
75743 | 455 | tax |
75744 | 456 | tax |
52858 | 457 | tax |
basilar part of occipital bone
pars basilaris ossis occipitalis
75747 | 458 | tax |
75746 | 459 | tax |
pharyngeal tubercle
tuberculum pharyngeum
75339 | 581 | tax | ||||
52859 | 461 | tax |
lateral part of occipital bone (pair)
pars lateralis ossis occipitalis (par)
52860 | 462 | tax |
squamous part of occipital bone
squama occipitalis
75041 | 463 | tax |
mastoid border (pair)
margo mastoideus (par)
75042 | 464 | tax |
lambdoid border (pair)
margo lambdoideus (par)
75748 | 465 | tax |
(interparietal bone ; os inca; inca bone)
(os interparietale ; os incae; os inca)
52861 | 466 | tax |
occipital condyle (pair)
condylus occipitalis (par)
75369 | 467 | tax |
condylar canal (pair)
canalis condylaris (par)
75370 | 468 | tax |
hypoglossal canal (pair)
canalis nervi hypoglossi (par)
75310 | 469 | tax |
condylar fossa (pair)
fossa condylaris (par)
75749 | 470 | tax |
jugular tubercle (pair)
tuberculum jugulare (par)
81023 | 471 | tax |
jugular notch of occipital bone (pair)
incisura jugularis ossis occipitalis (par)
75750 | 472 | tax |
jugular process (pair)
processus jugularis (par)
75751 | 473 | tax |
intrajugular process (pair)
processus intrajugularis (par)
75752 | 474 | tax |
external occipital protuberance
protuberantia occipitalis externa
75753 | 475 | tax |
external occipital crest
crista occipitalis externa
53106 | 476 | tax |
supreme nuchal line (pair) ; highest nuchal line (pair)
linea nuchalis suprema (par)
53108 | 477 | tax |
superior nuchal line (pair)
linea nuchalis superior (par)
53111 | 478 | tax |
inferior nuchal line (pair)
linea nuchalis inferior (par)
17019 |
nuchal plane
planum nuchale
74565 | 479 | tax |
occipital plane
planum occipitale
75754 | 480 | tax |
cruciform eminence
eminentia cruciformis
75755 | 481 | tax |
internal occipital protuberance
protuberantia occipitalis interna
75043 | 482 | tax |
(internal occipital crest )
(crista occipitalis interna )
75335 | 483 | tax |
limbus of sphenoid (pair)
sulcus sinus transversi (par)
57127 | 484 | tax |
groove of sigmoid sinus (pair)
sulcus sinus sigmoidei (par)
75336 | 485 | tax |
groove of occipital sinus
sulcus sinus occipitalis
17020 |
median occipital fossa
fossa occipitalis mediana
75337 | 486 | tax |
groove of marginal sinus
sulcus sinus marginalis
75756 | 487 | tax |
(paramastoid process )
(processus paramastoideus )
75311 | 488 | tax |
cerebral fossa (pair)
fossa cerebralis (par)
75312 | 489 | tax |
cerebellar fossa (pair)
fossa cerebellaris (par)
52736 | 490 | tax |
sphenoid; sphenoidal bone
os sphenoidale
52867 | 491 | tax |
body of sphenoid
corpus ossis sphenoidalis
54703 | 492 | tax |
sphenoidal jugum ; sphenoidal yoke
jugum sphenoidale
75757 | 493 | tax |
sphenoidal limbus
limbus sphenoidalis
75760 | 494 | tax |
chiasmatic sulcus (pair) ; prechiasmatic sulcus (pair)
sulcus chiasmaticus (par)
54079 | 495 | tax |
sella turcica
sella turcica
54719 | 496 | tax |
tubercle of sella
tuberculum sellae
54700 | 497 | tax |
(middle clinoid process (pair) )
(processus clinoideus medius (par) )
54721 | 498 | tax |
hypophysial fossa
fossa hypophysialis
54718 | 499 | tax |
dorsum of sella
dorsum sellae
54696 | 500 | tax |
posterior clinoid process (pair)
processus clinoideus posterior (par)
54753 | 501 | tax |
carotid sulcus (pair)
sulcus caroticus (par)
54757 | 502 | tax |
sphenoidal lingula (pair)
lingula sphenoidalis (par)
54760 | 503 | tax |
sphenoidal crest
crista sphenoidalis
54770 | 504 | tax |
sphenoidal rostrum
rostrum sphenoidale
54683 | 505 | tax |
sphenoidal sinus (pair)
sinus sphenoidalis (par)
54771 | 506 | tax |
opening of sphenoidal sinus (pair)
apertura sinus sphenoidalis (par)
54684 | 507 | tax |
septum of sphenoidal sinuses
septum sinuum sphenoidalium
54733 | 508 | tax |
sphenoidal concha (pair)
concha sphenoidalis (par)
52869 | 509 | tax |
lesser wing (pair)
ala minor (par)
54774 | 510 | tax |
optic canal (pair)
canalis opticus (par)
54693 | 511 | tax |
(anterior clinoid process (pair) )
(processus clinoideus anterior (par) )
54799 | 512 | tax |
superior orbital fissure (pair)
fissura orbitalis superior (par)
52868 | 513 | tax |
greater wing (pair)
ala major (par)
53149 | 514 | tax |
cerebral surface of greater wing (pair)
facies cerebralis alae majoris (par)
53150 | 515 | tax |
temporal surface of greater wing (pair)
facies temporalis alae majoris (par)
53151 | 516 | tax |
infratemporal surface of greater wing (pair)
facies infratemporalis alae majoris (par)
54793 | 517 | tax |
infratemporal crest (pair)
crista infratemporalis (par)
75321 | 518 | tax |
maxillary surface of greater wing (pair)
facies maxillaris alae majoris (par)
53153 | 519 | tax |
orbital surface of greater wing (pair)
facies orbitalis alae majoris (par)
53512 | 520 | tax |
zygomatic margin of greater wing (pair)
margo zygomaticus alae majoris (par)
53510 | 521 | tax |
frontal margin of greater wing (pair)
margo frontalis alae majoris (par)
53511 | 522 | tax |
parietal margin of greater wing (pair)
margo parietalis alae majoris (par)
53513 | 523 | tax |
squamosal margin of greater wing (pair)
margo squamosus alae majoris (par)
53154 | 524 | tax |
foramen rotundum (pair)
foramen rotundum (par)
53155 | 525 | tax |
foramen ovale (pair)
foramen ovale (par)
54785 | 526 | tax |
(sphenoidal emissary foramen (pair))
(foramen venosum (par) )
53156 | 527 | tax |
foramen spinosum (pair)
foramen spinale (par)
53158 | 528 | tax |
(foramen petrosum (pair))
(foramen petrosum (par) )
54777 | 529 | tax |
spine of sphenoid (pair)
spina ossis sphenoidalis (par)
75761 | 530 | tax |
sulcus of auditory tube (pair)
sulcus tubae auditivae (par) ; sulcus tubae auditoriae (par)
54682 | 531 | tax |
pterygoid process (pair)
processus pterygoideus (par)
54687 | 532 | tax |
lateral plate (pair)
lamina lateralis (par)
54690 | 533 | tax |
medial plate (pair)
lamina medialis (par)
75050 | 534 | tax |
pterygoid notch (pair)
incisura pterygoidea (par)
84970 | 535 | tax |
pterygoid fossa (pair)
fossa pterygoidea (par)
84973 | 536 | tax |
scaphoid fossa (pair)
fossa scaphoidea (par)
54727 | 537 | tax |
vaginal process (pair)
processus vaginalis (par)
74570 | 538 | tax |
palatovaginal groove (pair)
sulcus palatovaginalis (par)
74571 | 539 | tax |
vomerovaginal groove (pair)
sulcus vomerovaginalis (par)
54722 | 540 | tax |
pterygoid hook (pair)
hamulus pterygoideus (par)
75338 | 541 | tax |
groove of pterygoid hook (pair)
sulcus hamuli pterygoidei (par)
54756 | 542 | tax |
pterygoid canal (pair)
canalis pterygoideus (par)
54780 | 543 | tax |
pterygospinous process (pair)
processus pterygospinalis (par)
52737 | 544 | tax |
temporal bone (pair)
os temporale (par)
52871 | 545 | tax |
petrous part of temporal bone (pair)
pars petrosa ossis temporalis (par)
55490 | 546 | tax |
occipital margin of temporal bone (pair)
margo occipitalis ossis temporalis (par)
52872 | 547 | tax |
mastoid process (pair)
processus mastoideus (par)
55493 | 548 | tax |
mastoid notch (pair)
incisura mastoidea (par)
55499 | 549 | tax |
sulcus of sigmoid sinus (pair)
sulcus sinus sigmoidei (par)
55496 | 550 | tax |
sulcus of occipital artery (pair) ; occipital groove (pair)
sulcus arteriae occipitalis (par)
53159 | 551 | tax |
mastoid foramen (pair)
foramen mastoideum (par)
54952 | 552↓ | tax |
facial canal (pair)
canalis nervi facialis (par)
75762 | 553↓ | tax |
geniculum of facial canal (pair)
geniculum canalis nervi facialis (par)
17024 |
labyrinthine segment (pair)
segmentum labyrinthicum (par)
17025 |
tympanic segment (pair)
segmentum tympanicum (par)
17026 |
pyramidal segment (pair)
segmentum pyramidale (par)
17027 |
mastoid segment (pair)
segmentum mastoideum (par)
14132↓ | tax |
anterior canaliculus of chorda tympani (pair)
canaliculus anterior chordae tympani (par)
56435 | 554↓ | tax |
posterior canaliculus of chorda tympani (pair)
canaliculus posterior chordae tympani (par)
55710 | 555 | tax |
apex of petrous part of temporal bone (pair)
apex partis petrosae ossis temporalis (par)
55805 | 556 | tax |
carotid canal (pair)
canalis caroticus (par)
53160 | 557 | tax |
external opening of carotid canal of temporal bone (pair)
apertura externa canalis carotici (par)
53161 | 558 | tax |
internal opening of carotid canal of temporal bone (pair)
apertura interna canalis carotici (par)
56438 | 559 | tax |
caroticotympanic canaliculi (pair)
canaliculi caroticotympanici (par)
55808 | 560 | tax |
musculotubal canal (pair)
canalis musculotubarius (par)
56439 | 561 | tax |
semicanal of tensor muscle of tympanic membrane (pair)
semicanalis musculi tensoris tympani (par)
56442 | 562 | tax |
semicanal of auditory tube (pair) ; bony auditory tube (pair)
semicanalis tubae auditivae (par); semicanalis tubae auditoriae (par)
75763 | 563 | tax |
septum of musculotubal canal (pair)
septum canalis musculotubarii (par)
54950 | 564 | tax |
anterior surface (pair)
facies anterior (par)
55966 | 566 | tax |
arcuate eminence (pair)
eminentia arcuata (par)
56445 | 567 | tax |
hiatus of greater petrous nerve (pair)
hiatus nervi petrosi majoris (par)
55988 | 568 | tax |
groove of greater petrous nerve (pair)
sulcus nervi petrosi majoris (par)
56448 | 569 | tax |
hiatus of lesser petrous nerve (pair)
hiatus nervi petrosi minoris (par)
55977 | 570 | tax |
groove of lesser petrous nerve (pair)
sulcus nervi petrosi minoris (par)
55949 | 571 | tax |
trigeminal impression (pair)
impressio trigeminalis (par)
56002 | 565 | tax |
roof of tympanum (pair)
tegmen tympani (par)
55977 | 12855 |
canal for lesser petrosal nerve (pair)
canalis nervi petrosi minoris (par)
10500 |
canal for greater petrosal nerve (pair)
canalis nervi petrosi majoris (par)
55502 | 572 | tax |
superior border of petrous part (pair) ; petrous ridge (pair)
margo superior partis petrosae (par) ; crista petrosa (par)
75052 | 573 | tax |
groove of superior petrous sinus (pair)
sulcus sinus petrosi superioris (par)
55939 | 574 | tax |
posterior surface of petrous part (pair)
facies posterior partis petrosae (par)
53162 | 575 | tax |
internal acoustic opening (pair); internal auditory pore (pair)
porus acusticus internus (par)
56418 | 577 | tax |
subarcuate fossa (pair)
fossa subarcuata (par)
56451 | 578 | tax |
vestibular canaliculus (pair) ; vestibular aqueduct (pair)
canaliculus vestibuli (par) ; aqueductus vestibularis (par)
56421 | 579 | tax |
external opening of vestibular canaliculus (pair)
apertura externa canaliculi vestibuli (par)
53163 | 576 | tax |
internal acoustic meatus (pair) ; internal auditory canal (pair)
meatus acusticus internus (par)
77753 | 7291 | tax |
fundus of internal acoustic meatus (pair)
fundus meatus acustici interni (par)
77747 | 7292↓ | tax |
transverse crest (pair) ; inferior tegmental process (pair); cog (pair)
crista transversa (par) ; processus inferior tegminis (par)
77749 | 7294↓ | tax |
vertical crest (pair)
crista verticalis (par)
77748 | 7293 | tax |
facial area (pair)
area facialis (par)
77750 | 7295 | tax |
superior vestibular area (pair)
area vestibularis superior (par)
77751 | 7296 | tax |
inferior vestibular area (pair)
area vestibularis inferior (par)
75352 | 7297 | tax |
singular foramen (pair)
foramen singulare (par)
77752 | 7298 | tax |
cochlear area (pair)
area cochlearis (par) ; area cochleae (par)
77746 | 7299 |
foraminal spiral tract (pair)
tractus spiralis foraminalis (par)
55505 | 580 | tax |
posterior border of petrous part (pair)
margo posterior partis petrosae (par)
75339 | 581 | tax |
groove of inferior petrous sinus (pair)
sulcus sinus petrosi inferioris (par)
56458 | 582 | tax |
jugular notch of temporal bone (pair)
incisura jugularis ossis temporalis (par)
55709 | 583 | tax |
inferior surface of petrous part (pair)
facies inferior partis petrosae (par)
56429 | 584 | tax |
jugular fossa (pair)
fossa jugularis (par)
56454 | 585 | tax |
cochlear canaliculus (pair)
canaliculus cochleae (par)
56424 | 586 | tax |
external opening of cochlear canaliculus (pair)
apertura externa canaliculi cochleae (par)
56459 | 587 | tax |
mastoid canaliculus (pair)
canaliculus mastoideus (par)
56458 | 588 | tax |
jugular notch of petrous part (pair)
incisura jugularis partis petrosae (par)
75764 | 593 | tax |
petrous fossa (pair)
fossula petrosa (par)
589 | tax |
intrajugular process of temporal bone (pair)
processus intrajugularis ossis temporalis (par)
52877 | 590 | tax |
styloid process (pair)
processus styloideus (par)
55816 | 591 | tax |
stylomastoid foramen (pair)
foramen stylomastoideum (par)
56460 | 592↓ | tax |
inferior tympanic canaliculus (pair) ; tympanic canaliculus (pair)
canaliculus tympanicus inferior (par)
56461 | 594 | tax |
tympanic cavity (pair)
cavitas tympani (par)
52880 | 595 | tax |
tympanic part of temporal bone (pair)
pars tympanica ossis temporalis (par)
75053 | 596 | tax |
tympanic ring (pair)
anulus tympanicus (par)
61301 | 597 | tax |
external acoustic pore (pair) ; external auditory opening (pair)
porus acusticus externus (par)
598 | tax |
external acoustic meatus (pair) ; external auditory canal (pair)
meatus acusticus externus (par)
75766 | 599 | tax |
greater tympanic spine (pair)
spina tympanica major (par)
75767 | 600 | tax |
lesser tympanic spine (pair)
spina tympanica minor (par)
56466 | 601 | tax |
tympanic sulcus (pair)
sulcus tympanicus (par)
602 |
tympanic notch (pair)
incisura tympanica (par)
75768 | 603 | tax |
sheath of styloid process of temporal bone (pair)
vagina processus styloidei (par)
52883 | 604 | tax |
squamous part of temporal bone (pair)
pars squamosa ossis temporalis (par)
55484 | 605 | tax |
parietal border of temporal bone (pair)
margo parietalis ossis temporalis (par)
75044 | 606 | tax |
parietal notch (pair)
incisura parietalis (par)
55487 | 607 | tax |
sphenoidal border of temporal bone (pair)
margo sphenoidalis ossis temporalis (par)
54943 | 608 | tax |
temporal surface of temporal bone (pair)
facies temporalis ossis temporalis (par)
54953 | 609 | tax |
sulcus of middle temporal artery (pair)
sulcus arteriae temporalis mediae (par)
52886 | 610 | tax |
zygomatic process of temporal bone (pair)
processus zygomaticus ossis temporalis (par)
54956 | 611 | tax |
supramastoid crest (pair)
crista supramastoidea (par)
54960 | 612 | tax |
suprameatal fovea (pair); suprameatal triangle (pair)
foveola suprameatalis (par) ; foveola suprameatalis (par)
54961 | 613 | tax |
suprameatal spine (pair)
spina suprameatalis (par) ; spina suprameatalis (par)
75313 | 614 | tax |
mandibular fossa (pair)
fossa mandibularis (par)
75314 | 615 | tax |
articular surface (pair)
facies articularis (par)
55416 | 616 | tax |
articular tubercle (pair)
tuberculum articulare (par)
13849↓ |
articular eminence (pair)
eminentia articularis (par)
55463 | 617 | tax |
petrotympanic fissure (pair)
fissura petrotympanica (par)
55466 | 618 | tax |
petrosquamous fissure (pair)
fissura petrosquamosa (par)
55460 | 619 | tax |
tympanosquamous fissure (pair)
fissura tympanosquamosa (par)
55469 | 620 | tax |
tympanomastoid fissure (pair)
fissura tympanomastoidea (par)
75324 | 621 | tax |
cerebral face of squamous part (pair)
facies cerebralis partis squamosae (par)
52740 | 622 | tax |
ethmoid; ethmoidal bone
os ethmoidale
52890 | 623 | tax |
cribriform plate
lamina cribrosa
302877 | 624 | tax |
cribriform foramina
foramina cribrosa
57442 | 625 | tax |
crista galli
crista galli
57444 | 626 | tax |
ala of crista galli (pair)
ala cristae galli (par)
52891 | 627 | tax |
perpendicular plate of ethmoid
lamina perpendicularis ossis ethmoidalis
57448 | 628 | tax |
ethmoidal labyrinth (pair)
labyrinthus ethmoidalis (par)
57452 | 629 | tax |
anterior ethmoidal cells (pair)
cellulae ethmoidales anteriores (par)
57453 | 630 | tax |
middle ethmoidal cells (pair)
cellulae ethmoidales mediae (par)
57454 | 631 | tax |
posterior ethmoidal cells (pair)
cellulae ethmoidales posteriores (par)
57451 | 632 | tax |
orbital plate of ethmoidal labyrinth (pair)
lamina orbitalis labyrinthi ethmoidalis (par)
57457 | 633 | tax |
supreme nasal concha (pair)
concha nasalis suprema (par)
57458 | 634 | tax |
superior nasal concha (pair)
concha nasalis superior (par)
57459 | 635 | tax |
middle nasal concha (pair)
concha nasalis media (par)
57487 | 636 | tax |
ethmoidal bulla (pair)
bulla ethmoidalis (par)
57455 | 637 | tax |
uncinate process of ethmoid (pair)
processus uncinatus ossis ethmoidalis (par)
75769 | 638 | tax |
ethmoidal infundibulum (pair)
infundibulum ethmoidale (par)
75057 | 639 | tax |
semilunar hiatus (pair)
hiatus semilunaris (par)
54736 | 640 | tax |
inferior nasal concha (pair)
concha nasalis inferior (par)
54740 | 641 |
lacrimal process of inferior nasal concha (pair)
processus lacrimalis conchae nasalis inferioris (par)
54741 | 642 |
maxillary process of inferior nasal concha (pair)
processus maxillaris conchae nasalis inferioris (par)
54742 | 643 |
ethmoidal process of inferior nasal concha (pair)
processus ethmoidalis conchae nasalis inferioris (par)
52741 | 644 | tax |
lacrimal bone (pair)
os lacrimale (par)
57609 | 645 | tax |
posterior lacrimal crest (pair)
crista lacrimalis posterior (par)
57613 | 646 | tax |
lacrimal sulcus (pair)
sulcus lacrimalis (par)
57606 | 647 | tax |
lacrimal hook (pair)
hamulus lacrimalis (par)
52745 | 648 | tax |
nasal bone (pair)
os nasale (par)
57650 | 649 | tax |
ethmoidal sulcus of nasal bone (pair)
sulcus ethmoidalis ossis nasalis (par)
302859 | 650 | tax |
nasal foramina (pair)
foramina nasalia (par)
9710 | 651 | tax |
57674 | 652 | tax |
wing of vomer (pair)
ala vomeris (par)
57683 | 653 | tax |
vomerine sulcus
sulcus vomeris
57679 | 654 | tax |
vomerine crest of choana
crista choanalis vomeris
57677 | 655 | tax |
cuneiform part of vomer
pars cuneiformis vomeris
9711 | 656 | tax |
maxilla (pair) ; maxillary bone (pair)
os maxillaris (par); os maxillare (par)
52846 | 657 | tax |
body of maxilla (pair)
corpus (par)
57694 | 658 | tax |
orbital surface of maxilla (pair)
facies orbitalis (par)
57746 | 660 | tax |
infraorbital groove (pair)
sulcus infraorbitalis (par)
59048 | 659 | tax |
infraorbital canal (pair)
canalis infraorbitalis (par)
53177 | 661 | tax |
infraorbital margin of maxilla (pair)
margo infraorbitalis (par)
57697 | 662 | tax |
anterior surface of maxilla (pair)
facies anterior (par)
56762 | 664 | tax |
canine fossa (pair)
fossa canina (par)
57721 | 665 | tax |
nasal notch (pair)
incisura nasalis (par)
57718 | 663 | tax |
infraorbital foramen (pair)
foramen infraorbitale (par)
75770 | 666 | tax |
anterior nasal spine (pair)
spina nasalis anterior (par)
52963 | 667 | tax |
zygomaticomaxillary suture (pair) ; infraorbital suture (pair)
sutura zygomaticomaxillaris (par) ; sutura infraorbitalis (par)
57700 | 668 | tax |
infratemporal surface of maxilla (pair)
facies infratemporalis (par)
53166 | 669 | tax |
alveolar foramina of maxilla (pair)
foramina alveolaria (par)
57743 | 670 | tax |
alveolar canals of maxilla (pair)
canales alveolares (par)
57731 | 671 | tax |
tuber of maxilla (pair) ; eminence of maxilla (pair)
tuber (par) ; eminentia (par)
57703 | 672 | tax |
nasal surface of maxilla (pair)
facies nasalis (par)
57712 | 673 | tax |
lacrimal groove of maxilla (pair)
sulcus lacrimalis (par)
57734 | 675 | tax |
lacrimal border (pair)
margo lacrimalis (par)
57758 | 676 | tax |
maxillary hiatus (pair)
hiatus maxillaris (par)
75058 | 674 | tax |
conchal crest of maxilla (pair)
crista conchalis (par)
57762 | 677 | tax |
greater palatine groove (pair)
sulcus palatinus major (par)
57715 | 678 | tax |
maxillary sinus (pair)
sinus maxillaris (par)
52894 | 679 | tax |
frontal process of maxilla (pair)
processus frontalis (par)
75059 | 680 | tax |
anterior lacrimal crest (pair)
crista lacrimalis anterior (par)
75060 | 681 | tax |
lacrimal notch (pair)
incisura lacrimalis (par)
75061 | 682 | tax |
ethmoidal crest (pair)
crista ethmoidalis (par)
52895 | 683 | tax |
zygomatic process of maxilla (pair)
processus zygomaticus (par)
52896 | 684 | tax |
palatine process of maxilla (pair)
processus palatinus (par)
75062 | 685 | tax |
nasal crest of maxilla (pair)
crista nasalis (par)
76869 | 686 | tax |
(incisive bone (pair) ; premaxilla (pair) )
(os incisivum (par) ; premaxilla (par) )
59107 | 10653 | tax |
incisive canals (pair)
canales incisivi (par)
75777 | 687 | tax |
(incisive suture (pair) )
(sutura incisiva (par) )
75771 | 688 | tax |
palatine spines (pair)
spinae palatinae (par)
57762 | 689 | tax |
palatine grooves (pair)
sulci palatini (par)
52897 | 690 | tax |
alveolar process of maxilla (pair)
processus alveolaris (par)
55640 | 691 | tax |
alveolar arch (pair)
arcus alveolaris (par)
317345 | 692 | tax |
dental alveoli of maxilla (pair)
alveoli dentales (par)
327390 | 16882 | tax |
alveolus of first superior incisive tooth (pair)
alveolus dentis incisivi superioris primi (par)
327388 | 16883 | tax |
alveolus of second superior incisive tooth (pair)
alveolus dentis incisivi superioris secundi (par)
327383 | 16884 | tax |
alveolus of superior canine tooth (pair)
alveolus dentis canini superioris (par)
327397 | 16885 | tax |
alveolus of first superior premolar tooth (pair)
alveolus dentis premolaris superioris primi (par)
327398 | 16886 | tax |
alveolus of second superior premolar tooth (pair)
alveolus dentis premolaris superioris secundi (par)
327378 | 16887 | tax |
alveolus of first superior molar tooth (pair)
alveolus dentis molaris superioris primi (par)
327379 | 16888 | tax |
alveolus of second superior molar tooth (pair)
alveolus dentis molaris superioris secundi (par)
58049 | 16889 | tax |
alveolus of third superior molar tooth (pair)
alveolus dentis molaris superioris tertii (par)
75773 | 693 | tax |
interalveolar septa of maxilla (pair)
septa interalveolaria (par)
75774 | 694 | tax |
interradicular septa of maxilla (pair)
septa interradicularia (par)
75775 | 695 | tax |
alveolar juga of maxilla (pair)
juga alveolaria (par)
75305 | 10654 | tax |
incisive foramina (pair)
foramina incisiva (par)
9933 |
anteroposterior incisive foramina (pair)
foramina incisiva anteroposteriora (par)
9934 |
lateral incisive foramen (pair)
foramen incisivum laterale (par)
52746 | 696 | tax |
palatine bone (pair)
os palatinum (par)
52899 | 697 | tax |
perpendicular plate of palatine bone (pair)
lamina perpendicularis ossis palatini (par)
59179 | 698 | tax |
nasal surface (pair)
facies nasalis (par)
59182 | 699 | tax |
maxillary surface (pair)
facies maxillaris (par)
59229 | 700 | tax |
sphenopalatine notch (pair)
incisura sphenopalatina (par)
57762 | 701 |
greater palatine groove (pair)
sulcus palatinus major (par)
52900 | 702 | tax |
pyramidal process (pair)
processus pyramidalis (par)
703 |
lesser palatal canals (pair)
canales palatinales minores (par)
59156 | 704 | tax |
conchal crest (pair)
crista conchalis (par)
17039↓ |
maxillary process of palatine bone (pair)
processus maxillaris ossis palatini (par)
59161 | 705 | tax |
ethmoidal crest (pair)
crista ethmoidalis (par)
59143 | 706 | tax |
orbital process (pair)
processus orbitalis (par)
59146 | 707 | tax |
sphenoidal process (pair)
processus sphenoidalis (par)
52901 | 708 | tax |
horizontal layer of palatine bone (pair)
lamina horizontalis ossis palatini (par)
59188 | 709 | tax |
nasal surface (pair)
facies nasalis (par)
59192 | 710 | tax |
palatine surface (pair)
facies palatina (par)
302871 | 711 | tax |
lesser palatine foramina (pair)
foramina palatina minora (par)
75776 | 712 | tax |
posterior nasal spine (pair)
spina nasalis posterior (par)
59208 | 713 | tax |
nasal crest (pair)
crista nasalis (par)
75066 | 714 | tax |
palatine crest (pair)
crista palatina (par)
52747 | 715 | tax |
zygomatic bone (pair)
os zygomaticum (par)
17040↓ |
(os japonicum (pair))
(os japonicum (par) )
59219 | 716 | tax |
lateral surface of zygomatic bone (pair)
facies lateralis ossis zygomatici (par)
59223 | 717 | tax |
temporal surface of zygomatic bone (pair)
facies temporalis ossis zygomatici (par)
59226 | 718 | tax |
orbital surface of zygomatic bone (pair)
facies orbitalis ossis zygomatici (par)
52904 | 719 | tax |
temporal process of zygomatic bone (pair)
processus temporalis ossis zygomatici (par)
52907 | 720 | tax |
frontal process of zygomatic bone (pair)
processus frontalis ossis zygomatici (par)
52910 | 721 | tax |
orbital tubercle (pair) ; orbital eminence (pair)
tuberculum orbitale (par) ; eminentia orbitalis (par)
75778 | 722 | tax |
(marginal tubercle (pair) )
(tuberculum marginale (par) )
53168 | 723 | tax |
zygomaticoorbital foramen (pair)
foramen zygomaticoorbitale (par)
53169 | 724 | tax |
zygomaticofacial foramen (pair)
foramen zygomaticofaciale (par)
53170 | 725 | tax |
zygomaticotemporal foramen (pair)
foramen zygomaticotemporale (par)
52748 | 726 | tax |
52827 | 727 | tax |
body of mandible
corpus mandibulae
52831 | 728 | tax |
base of mandible
basis mandibulae
75779 | 729 | tax |
(mandibular symphysis ; mandibular syndesmosis )
(symphysis mandibularis ; syndesmosis mandibularis )
59430 | 730 | tax |
mental protuberance
protuberantia mentalis
59426 | 731 | tax |
mental tubercle (pair)
tuberculum mentale (par)
53171 | 732 |
mental foramen (pair)
foramen mentale (par)
59481 | 733 |
oblique line (pair)
linea obliqua (par)
59444 | 734 | tax |
digastric fossa (pair)
fossa digastrica (par)
59432 | 735 | tax |
superior mental spine ; superior genial spine
spina mentalis superior ; spina geni superior
59433 | 736 | tax |
inferior mental spine ; inferior genial spine
spina mentalis inferior ; spina geni inferior
53119 | 737 | tax |
mylohyoid line (pair)
linea mylohyoidea (par)
75780 | 738 | tax |
(mandibular torus (pair) )
(torus mandibularis (par) )
59434 | 739 | tax |
sublingual fossa (pair)
fovea sublingualis (par)
59435 | 740 | tax |
submandibular fossa (pair)
fovea submandibularis (par)
52832 | 741 | tax |
alveolar part of mandible
pars alveolaris mandibulae
64850 | 742 | tax |
alveolar arch
arcus alveolaris
317348 | 743 | tax |
dental alveoli of mandible (pair)
alveoli dentales mandibulae (par)
327391 | 13392 | tax |
alveolus of first inferior incisive tooth (pair)
alveolus dentis incisivi inferioris primi (par)
327389 | 13396 | tax |
alveolus of second inferior incisive tooth (pair)
alveolus dentis incisivi inferioris secundi (par)
327384 | 13400 | tax |
alveolus of inferior canine tooth (pair)
alveolus dentis canini inferioris (par)
327395 | 13404 | tax |
alveolus of first inferior premolar tooth (pair)
alveolus dentis premolaris inferioris primi (par)
327396 | 13408 | tax |
alveolus of second inferior premolar tooth (pair)
alveolus dentis premolaris inferioris secundi (par)
327380 | 13412 | tax |
alveolus of first inferior molar tooth (pair)
alveolus dentis molaris inferioris primi (par)
327381 | 13416 | tax |
alveolus of second inferior molar tooth (pair)
alveolus dentis molaris inferioris secundi (par)
58039 | 13420 | tax |
alveolus of third inferior molar tooth (pair)
alveolus dentis molaris inferioris tertii (par)
59447 | 744 | tax |
interalveolar (pair)
septa interalveolaria (par)
745 | tax |
interradicular (pair)
septa interradicularia (par)
746 | tax |
alveolar (pair)
juga alveolaria (par)
75784 | 747 | tax |
retromolar trigone (pair)
trigonum retromolare (par)
75315 | 748 | tax |
retromolar fossa (pair)
fossa retromolaris (par)
52828 | 749 | tax |
branch of mandible (pair)
ramus mandibulae (par)
59459 | 750 | tax |
angle of mandible (pair)
angulus mandibulae (par)
75785 | 751 | tax |
(masseteric tuberosity (pair) )
(tuberositas masseterica (par) )
75786 | 752 | tax |
pterygoid tuberosity (pair)
tuberositas pterygoidea (par)
53172 | 753↓ | tax |
mandibular foramen (pair) ; inferior alveolar foramen (pair)
foramen mandibulae (par) ; foramen alveolare inferius (par)
59470 | 754 | tax |
lingula of mandible (pair)
lingula mandibulae (par)
59473 | 755 | tax |
mandibular canal (pair)
canalis mandibulae (par)
59448 | 756 | tax |
mylohyoid sulcus (pair)
sulcus mylohyoideus (par)
52833 | 757 | tax |
coronoid process (pair)
processus coronoideus (par)
59484 | 758 | tax |
temporal crest (pair)
crista temporalis (par)
59481 | 759 | tax |
mandibular notch (pair)
incisura (par)
52836 | 760 | tax |
condylar process of mandible (pair)
processus condylaris mandibulae (par)
59331 | 761 | tax |
head of mandible (pair) ; mandibular condyle (pair)
caput mandibulae (par) ; condylus mandibulae (par)
59332 | 762 | tax |
neck of mandible (pair)
collum mandibulae (par)
59478 | 763 | tax |
pterygoid fovea (pair)
fovea pterygoidea (par)
52749 | 764 | tax |
hyoid bone
os hyoideum
59495 | 765 | tax |
body of hyoid bone
corpus ossis hyoidei
59499 | 766 | tax |
lesser horn (pair)
cornu minus (par)
59496 | 767 | tax |
greater horn (pair)
cornu majus (par)
13478 | 769 | tax |
vertebral column
columna vertebralis
75067 | 770 | tax |
primary curvature
curvatura primaria
75787 | 771 | tax |
thoracic kyphosis
kyphosis thoracica
75788 | 772 | tax |
sacral kyphosis
kyphosis sacralis
75789 | 773 | tax |
secondary curvatures
curvaturae secundariae
75790 | 774 | tax |
cervical lordosis
lordosis cervicalis ; lordosis colli
75791 | 775 | tax |
lumbar lordosis
lordosis lumbalis
776 |
9680 | 777 | tax |
vertebral canal
canalis vertebralis
24138 | 11914 | tax |
cervical column
columna cervicalis
9140 | 11915 | tax |
thoracic column
columna thoracica
16203 | 11916 | tax |
lumbar column
columna lumbalis
9914 | 778 | tax |
18533 | tax |
typical vertebra
vertebra typicalis
11945 | 779 | tax |
vertebral body
corpus vertebrae
780 | tax |
intervertebral surface
facies intervertebralis
75792 | 781 | tax |
anular epiphysis
epiphysis anularis
11946 | 782 | tax |
vertebral arch
arcus vertebrae
11950 | 783 | tax |
pedicle of vertebra
pediculus vertebrae
11951 | 784 | tax |
layer of vertebral arch
lamina arcus vertebrae
17135 | tax |
interarticular part of vertebral arch
pars interarticularis arcus vertebrae
12256 | 785 | tax |
intervertebral foramen
foramen intervertebrale
13614 | 786 | tax |
superior vertebral notch
incisura vertebralis superior
65547 | 787 | tax |
inferior vertebral notch
incisura vertebralis inferior
13479 | 788 | tax |
vertebral foramen
foramen vertebrale
11948 | 789 | tax |
spinous process
processus spinalis
11949 | 790 | tax |
transverse process
processus transversus
17136 | tax |
lateral part of transverse process of vertebra
pars lateralis processus transversi
17137 | tax |
costal part of transverse process of vertebra
pars costalis processus transversi
11953 | 791 | tax |
superior articular process
processus articularis superior ; zygapophysis superior
24411 | 792 | tax |
superior articular facet
facies articularis superior
11954 | 793 | tax |
inferior articular process
processus articularis inferior ; zygapophysis inferior
24412 | 794 | tax |
inferior articular facet
facies articularis inferior
9915 | 795 | tax |
cervical vertebrae
vertebrae cervicales
12519 | 802 | tax |
23978 | 803 | tax |
lateral mass of atlas (pair)
massa lateralis atlantis (par)
23985 | 804 | tax |
superior articular surface of atlas (pair)
facies articularis superior atlantis (par)
23986 | 805 | tax |
inferior articular surface of atlas (pair)
facies articularis inferior atlantis (par)
17138 | tax |
tubercle of transverse ligament of atlas
tuberculum ligamenti transversi atlantis
23976 | 806 | tax |
anterior arch of atlas
arcus anterior atlantis
23996 | 807 | tax |
fovea of tooth
fovea dentis
24096 | 808 | tax |
anterior tubercle (pair)
tuberculum anterius (par)
23977 | 809 | tax |
posterior arch of atlas
arcus posterior atlantis
75070 | 810 | tax |
groove of vertebral artery (pair)
sulcus arteriae vertebralis (par)
75373 | 811 | tax |
(canal of vertebral artery (pair) )
(canalis arteriae vertebralis (par) )
24099 | 812 | tax |
posterior tubercle of transverse process of atlas (pair)
tuberculum posterius processus transversi atlantis (par)
24293 | 10659 | tax |
vertebral foramen of atlas
foramen vertebrale atlantis
23981 | 10657 | tax |
transverse process of atlas (pair)
processus transversus atlantis (par)
23998 | 10658 | tax |
transverse foramen of atlas (pair)
foramen transversarium atlantis (par)
12520 | 813 | tax |
24043 | 814 | tax |
tooth of axis
dens axis
24090 | 815 | tax |
apex of tooth of axis
apex dentis axis
24091 | 816 | tax |
anterior articular facet of tooth of axis
facies articularis anterior dentis axis
24092 | 817 | tax |
posterior articular facet
facies articularis posterior dentis axis
24044 | 10660 | tax |
body of axis
corpus axis
24078 | 10661 | tax |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of axis
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis axis
10662 | tax |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of axis
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis axis
24053 | 10663 | tax |
arch of axis
arcus axis
24050 | 10664 | tax |
pedicle of axis (pair)
pediculus axis (par)
24056 | 10665 | tax |
layer of axis (pair)
lamina axis (par)
306231 | 10323 | tax |
intervertebral foramen of axis (pair)
foramen intervertebrale axis (par)
26527 | 15024 | tax |
inferior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis inferior (par)
24294 | 10666 | tax |
vertebral foramen of axis
foramen vertebrale axis
24059 | 10667 | tax |
spinous process of axis
processus spinalis axis
24060 | 13316 | tax |
transverse process of axis (pair)
processus transversus axis (par)
24093 | 10668 | tax |
inferior articular process of axis (pair)
processus articularis inferior axis (par)
24093 | 10669 | tax |
inferior articular surface of axis (pair)
facies articularis inferior axis (par)
23999 | 13270 | tax |
transverse foramen of axis (pair)
foramen transversarium axis (par)
24096 | 13274 | tax |
anterior tubercle of transverse process of axis (pair)
tuberculum anterius processus transversi axis (par)
24099 | 13282 | tax |
posterior tubercle (pair)
tuberculum posterius (par)
13343 |
typical cervical vertebrae
vertebrae cervicales cervicales
75068 | 796 | tax |
uncinate process ; uncus of body
processus uncinatus ; uncus corporis
23997 | 797 | tax |
transverse foramen of cervical vertebra
foramen transversarium vertebrae cervicalis
10439 |
transverse process of cervical vertebra
processus transversus vertebrae cervicalis
24126 | 798 | tax |
anterior tubercle of transverse process of cervical vertebra
tuberculum anterius processus transversi vertebrae cervicalis
24128 | 800 | tax |
posterior tubercle
tuberculum posterius
26428 | 799 | tax |
carotic tubercle
tuberculum caroticum
75069 | 801 | tax |
sulcus of cervical vertebra
sulcus vertebrae cervicalis
12521 | 10670 | tax |
third cervical vertebra
vertebra cervicalis tertia
24231 | 10671 | tax |
body of third cervical vertebra
corpus vertebrae cervicalis tertiae
24264 | 10672 | tax |
superior intervertebral surface of body of third cervical vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae cervicalis tertiae
24265 | 13577 | tax |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of third cervical vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae cervicalis tertiae
10673 | tax |
superior anular epiphysis of body of third cervical vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae cervicalis tertiae
11017 | tax |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of third cervical vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae cervicalis tertiae
24237 | 10674 | tax |
arch of third cervical vertebra
arcus vertebrae cervicalis tertiae
24239 | 10675 | tax |
pedicle of third cervical vertebra (pair)
pediculus vertebrae cervicalis tertiae (par)
24242 | 10676 | tax |
layer of third cervical vertebra (pair)
lamina vertebrae cervicalis tertiae (par)
72181 | 9308 | tax |
intervertebral foramen of third cervical vertebra (pair)
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae cervicalis tertiae (par)
24766 | 10677 | tax |
superior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis superior (par)
24768 | 10678 | tax |
inferior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis inferior (par)
24295 | 10679 | tax |
vertebral foramen of third cervical vertebra
foramen vertebrale vertebrae cervicalis tertiae
24245 | 10680 | tax |
spinous process of third cervical vertebra
processus spinalis vertebrae cervicalis tertiae
24246 | 10681 | tax |
transverse process of third cervical vertebra (pair)
processus transversus vertebrae cervicalis tertiae (par)
24280 | 10682 | tax |
superior articular process of third cervical vertebra (pair)
processus articularis superior vertebrae cervicalis tertiae (par) ; zygapophysis superior vertebrae cervicalis tertiae (par)
24746 | 10683 | tax |
superior articular surface of third cervical vertebra (pair)
facies articularis superior vertebrae cervicalis tertiae (par)
24283 | 10684 | tax |
inferior articular process of third cervical vertebra (pair)
processus articularis inferior vertebrae cervicalis tertiae (par) ; zygapophysis inferior vertebrae cervicalis tertiae (par)
24749 | 10685 | tax |
inferior articular surface of third cervical vertebra (pair)
facies articularis inferior vertebrae cervicalis tertiae (par)
10686 | tax |
uncinate process (pair)
processus uncinatus (par)
24300 | 10687 | tax |
transverse foramen of third cervical vertebra (pair)
foramen transversarium vertebrae cervicalis tertiae (par)
24253 | 10688 | tax |
anterior tubercle of transverse process of third cervical vertebra (pair)
tuberculum anterius processus transversi vertebrae cervicalis tertiae (par)
24259 | 10689 | tax |
posterior tubercle (pair)
tuberculum posterius (par)
10690 | tax |
sulcus of third cervical nerve (pair)
sulcus nervi cervicalis tertii (par)
12522 | 10691 | tax |
fourth cervical vertebra
vertebra cervicalis quarta
24781 | 13248 | tax |
body of fourth cervical vertebra
corpus vertebrae cervicalis quartae
27051 | 13249 | tax |
superior intervertebral surface of body of fourth cervical vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae cervicalis quartae
27052 | 15037 | tax |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of fourth cervical vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae cervicalis quartae
13250 | tax |
superior anular epiphysis of body of fourth cervical vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae cervicalis quartae
15038 | tax |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of fourth cervical vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae cervicalis quartae
24785 | 13266 | tax |
arch of fourth cervical vertebra
arcus vertebrae cervicalis quartae
26310 | 13267 | tax |
pedicle of fourth cervical vertebra (pair)
pediculus vertebrae cervicalis quartae (par)
26316 | 13268 | tax |
layer of fourth cervical vertebra (pair)
lamina vertebrae cervicalis quartae (par)
72182 | 10315 | tax |
intervertebral foramen of fourth cervical vertebra (pair)
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae cervicalis quartae (par)
26515 | 13290 | tax |
superior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis superior (par)
26528 | 13291 | tax |
inferior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis inferior (par)
24296 | 13292 | tax |
vertebral foramen of fourth cervical vertebra
foramen vertebrale vertebrae cervicalis quartae
26354 | 13293 | tax |
spinous process of fourth cervical vertebra
processus spinalis vertebrae cervicalis quartae
26322 | 13294 | tax |
transverse process of fourth cervical vertebra (pair)
processus transversus vertebrae cervicalis quartae (par)
26342 | 13295 | tax |
superior articular process of fourth cervical vertebra (pair)
processus articularis superior vertebrae cervicalis quartae (par)
27090 | 13296 | tax |
superior articular surface of fourth cervical vertebra (pair)
facies articularis superior vertebrae cervicalis quartae (par)
26348 | 13297 | tax |
inferior articular process of fourth cervical vertebra (pair)
processus articularis inferior vertebrae cervicalis quartae (par)
27096 | 13298 | tax |
inferior articular surface of fourth cervical vertebra (pair)
facies articularis inferior vertebrae cervicalis quartae (par)
10692 | tax |
uncinate process (pair)
processus uncinatus (par)
24303 | 10693 | tax |
transverse foramen of fourth cervical vertebra (pair)
foramen transversarium vertebrae cervicalis quartae (par)
26325 | 10694 | tax |
anterior tubercle of transverse process of fourth cervical vertebra (pair)
tuberculum anterius processus transversi vertebrae cervicalis quartae (par)
26327 | 10695 | tax |
posterior tubercle (pair)
tuberculum posterius (par)
10696 | tax |
sulcus of fourth cervical nerve (pair)
sulcus nervi cervicalis quarti (par)
12523 | 10697 | tax |
fifth cervical vertebra
vertebra cervicalis quinta
24782 | 13299 | tax |
body of fifth cervical vertebra
corpus vertebrae cervicalis quintae
27107 | 13300 | tax |
superior intervertebral surface of body of fifth cervical vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae cervicalis quintae
27108 | 15039 | tax |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of fifth cervical vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae cervicalis quintae
13301 | tax |
superior anular epiphysis of body of fifth cervical vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae cervicalis quintae
15040 | tax |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of fifth cervical vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae cervicalis quintae
24786 | 13302 | tax |
arch of fifth cervical vertebra
arcus vertebrae cervicalis quintae
26360 | 13303 | tax |
pedicle of transverse foramen of third cervical vertebra (pair)
pediculus foraminis transversarii vertebrae cervicalis tertiae (par)
26366 | 13304 | tax |
layer of fifth cervical vertebra (pair)
lamina vertebrae cervicalis quintae (par)
72183 | 10324 | tax |
intervertebral foramen of fifth cervical vertebra (pair)
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae cervicalis quintae (par)
26518 | 13306 | tax |
superior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis superior (par)
26529 | 13307 | tax |
inferior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis inferior (par)
24297 | 13308 | tax |
vertebral foramen of fifth cervical vertebra
foramen vertebrale vertebrae cervicalis quintae
26407 | 13309 | tax |
spinous process of fifth cervical vertebra
processus spinalis vertebrae cervicalis quintae
26372 | 13310 |
transverse process of fifth cervical vertebra (pair)
processus transversus vertebrae cervicalis quintae (par)
26394 | 13311 | tax |
superior articular process of fifth cervical vertebra (pair)
processus articularis superior vertebrae cervicalis quintae (par)
27146 | 13312 | tax |
superior articular surface of fifth cervical vertebra (pair)
facies articularis superior vertebrae cervicalis quintae (par)
26401 | 13313 | tax |
inferior articular process of fifth cervical vertebra (pair)
processus articularis inferior vertebrae cervicalis quintae (par)
27152 | 13315 | tax |
inferior articular surface of fifth cervical vertebra (pair)
facies articularis inferior vertebrae cervicalis quintae (par)
10698 | tax |
uncinate process (pair)
processus uncinatus (par)
24306 | 10699 | tax |
transverse foramen of fifth cervical vertebra (pair)
foramen transversarium vertebrae cervicalis quintae (par)
26375 | 10700 | tax |
anterior tubercle of transverse process of fifth cervical vertebra (pair)
tuberculum anterius processus transversi vertebrae cervicalis quintae (par)
26377 | 10701 | tax |
posterior tubercle (pair)
tuberculum posterius (par)
10702 | tax |
sulcus of fifth cervical nerve (pair)
sulcus nervi cervicalis quinti (par)
12524 | 11912 | tax |
sixth cervical vertebra
vertebra cervicalis sexta
24783 | 13320 | tax |
body of sixth cervical vertebra
corpus vertebrae cervicalis sextae
27163 | 13321 | tax |
superior intervertebral surface of body of sixth cervical vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae cervicalis sextae
27164 | 15041 | tax |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of sixth cervical vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae cervicalis sextae
13322 | tax |
superior anular epiphysis of body of sixth cervical vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae cervicalis sextae
15042 | tax |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of sixth cervical vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae cervicalis sextae
24787 | 13323 | tax |
arch of sixth cervical vertebra
arcus vertebrae cervicalis sextae
26413 | 13324 | tax |
pedicle of sixth cervical vertebra (pair)
pediculus vertebrae cervicalis sextae (par)
26419 | 13325 | tax |
layer of sixth cervical vertebra (pair)
lamina vertebrae cervicalis sextae (par)
72184 | 7528 | tax |
intervertebral foramen of sixth cervical vertebra (pair)
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae cervicalis sextae (par)
26519 | 13327 | tax |
superior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis superior (par)
26530 | 13328 | tax |
inferior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis inferior (par)
24298 | 13329 | tax |
vertebral foramen of sixth cervical vertebra
foramen vertebrale vertebrae cervicalis sextae
26457 | 13330 | tax |
spinous process of sixth cervical vertebra
processus spinalis vertebrae cervicalis sextae
26425 | 13331 | tax |
transverse process of sixth cervical vertebra (pair)
processus transversus vertebrae cervicalis sextae (par)
26445 | 13332 | tax |
superior articular process of sixth cervical vertebra (pair)
processus articularis superior vertebrae cervicalis sextae (par)
27202 | 13333 | tax |
superior articular surface of sixth cervical vertebra (pair)
facies articularis superior vertebrae cervicalis sextae (par)
26451 | 13334 | tax |
inferior articular process of sixth cervical vertebra (pair)
processus articularis inferior vertebrae cervicalis sextae (par)
27208 | 13335 | tax |
inferior articular surface of sixth cervical vertebra (pair)
facies articularis inferior vertebrae cervicalis sextae (par)
10703 | tax |
uncinate process (pair)
processus uncinatus (par)
24309 | 10704 | tax |
transverse foramen of sixth cervical vertebra (pair)
foramen transversarium vertebrae cervicalis sextae (par)
26428 | 13278 | tax |
anterior carotic tubercle (pair)
tuberculum caroticum anterius (par)
26430 | 15033 | tax |
posterior carotic tubercle (pair)
tuberculum caroticum posterius (par)
10705 | tax |
sulcus of sixth cervical nerve (pair)
sulcus nervi cervicalis sexti (par)
12525 | 818 | tax |
vertebra prominens
vertebra prominens
24784 | 13555 | tax |
body of vertebra prominens
corpus vertebrae prominentis
27219 | 13556 | tax |
superior intervertebral surface of body of vertebra prominens
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae prominentis
27220 | 15043 | tax |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of vertebra prominens
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae prominentis
13557 | tax |
superior anular epiphysis of body of vertebra prominens
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae prominentis
15044 | tax |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of vertebra prominens
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae prominentis
24788 | 15074 | tax |
arch of vertebra prominens
arcus vertebrae prominentis
26463 | 15011 | tax |
pedicle of vertebra prominens (pair)
pediculus vertebrae prominentis (par)
26469 | 10655 | tax |
layer of vertebra prominens (pair)
lamina vertebrae prominentis (par)
72185 | 10336 | tax |
intervertebral foramen of vertebra prominens (pair)
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae prominentis (par)
25520 | 15015 | tax |
superior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis superior (par)
26531 | 15016 | tax |
inferior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis inferior (par)
24299 | 15017 | tax |
vertebral foramen of vertebra prominens
foramen vertebrale vertebrae prominentis
26507 | 15018 | tax |
spinous process of vertebra prominens
processus spinalis vertebrae prominentis
26475 | 15019 | tax |
transverse process of vertebra prominens (pair)
processus transversus vertebrae prominentis (par)
26495 | 15020 | tax |
superior articular process of vertebra prominens (pair)
processus articularis superior vertebrae prominentis (par)
27258 | 15021 | tax |
superior articular surface of vertebra prominens (pair)
facies articularis superior vertebrae prominentis (par)
26501 | 15022 | tax |
inferior articular process of vertebra prominens (pair)
processus articularis inferior vertebrae prominentis (par)
27264 | 15023 | tax |
inferior articular surface of vertebra prominens (pair)
facies articularis inferior vertebrae prominentis (par)
10706 | tax |
uncinate process (pair)
processus uncinatus (par)
24312 | 10707 | tax |
transverse foramen of vertebra prominens (pair)
foramen transversarium vertebrae prominentis (par)
26478 | 10708 | tax |
anterior tubercle of transverse process of vertebra prominens (pair)
tuberculum anterius processus transversi vertebrae prominentis (par)
10709 | tax |
posterior tubercle (pair)
tuberculum posterius (par)
10710 | tax |
sulcus of seventh cervical nerve (pair)
sulcus nervi cervicalis septimi (par)
72064 | 819 | tax |
thoracic vertebrae
vertebrae thoracicae
819 |
# thoracic vertebra
# vertebra thoracica
9145 | 820 | tax |
superior costal fovea of thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis superior vertebrae thoracicae
9146 | 821 | tax |
inferior costal fovea of thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis inferior vertebrae thoracicae
10440 | 822 | tax |
costal fovea of transverse process of vertebra
fovea costalis processus transversi
9165 | 10711 | tax |
first thoracic vertebra
vertebra thoracica prima
9166 | 13344 | tax |
body of first thoracic vertebra
corpus vertebrae thoracicae primae
9173 | 15045 | tax |
superior intervertebral surface of body of first thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae primae
9174 | 15046 | tax |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of first thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae primae
15047 | tax |
superior anular epiphysis of body of first thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae primae
15048 | tax |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of first thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae primae
9167 | 15049 | tax |
arch of first thoracic vertebra
arcus vertebrae thoracicae primae
9175 | 14993 | tax |
pedicle of first thoracic vertebra (pair)
pediculus vertebrae thoracicae primae (par)
9178 | 14994 | tax |
layer of first thoracic vertebra (pair)
lamina vertebrae thoracicae primae (par)
306219 | 10472 | tax |
cervicothoracic intervertebral foramen (pair) ; intervertebral foramen of first thoracic vertebra (pair) ; C7-T1 intervertebral foramen (pair)
foramen intervertebrale cervicothoracicum (par) ; foramen intervertebrale vertebrae thoracicae primae (par)
14996 | tax |
superior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis superior (par)
14997 | tax |
inferior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis inferior (par)
13481 | 14998 | tax |
vertebral foramen of first thoracic vertebra
foramen vertebrale vertebrae thoracicae primae
9179 | 15003 | tax |
spinous process of first thoracic vertebra
processus spinalis vertebrae thoracicae primae
9180 | 15004 | tax |
transverse process of first thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus transversus vertebrae thoracicae primae (par)
15005 | tax |
superior articular process of first thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae primae (par)
28484 | 15006 | tax |
superior articular surface of first thoracic vertebra (pair)
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae primae (par)
9183 | 15007 | tax |
inferior articular process of first thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae primae (par)
28520 | 19660 | tax |
inferior articular surface of first thoracic vertebra (pair)
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae primae (par)
9171 | 16578 | tax |
superior costal fovea of first thoracic vertebra (pair)
fovea costalis superior vertebrae thoracicae primae (par)
16579 | tax |
inferior costal fovea of first thoracic vertebra (pair)
fovea costalis inferior vertebrae thoracicae primae (par)
9184 | 11918 | tax |
costal fovea of transverse process of first thoracic vertebra (pair)
fovea costalis processus transversi vertebrae thoracicae primae (par)
75795 | 823 | tax |
(uncinate process (pair) )
(processus uncinatus (par) )
9187 | 10712 | tax |
second thoracic vertebra
vertebra thoracica secunda
9188 | 21448 | tax |
body of second thoracic vertebra
corpus vertebrae thoracicae secundae
9194 | 21449 | tax |
superior intervertebral surface of body of second thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae secundae
9195 | 21450 | tax |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of second thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae secundae
21451 | tax |
superior anular epiphysis of body of second thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae secundae
21452 | tax |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of second thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae secundae
9196 | 21453 | tax |
arch of second thoracic vertebra
arcus vertebrae thoracicae secundae
9197 | 21454 | tax |
pedicle of first thoracic vertebra (pair)
pediculus vertebrae thoracicae primae (par)
9200 | 21458 | tax |
layer of second thoracic vertebra (pair)
lamina vertebrae thoracicae secundae (par)
9340 | 10356 | tax |
intervertebral foramen of second thoracic vertebra (pair)
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae thoracicae secundae (par)
21466 | tax |
superior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis superior (par)
21470 | tax |
inferior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis inferior (par)
13482 | 21474 | tax |
vertebral foramen of second thoracic vertebra
foramen vertebrale vertebrae thoracicae secundae
9201 | 21475 | tax |
spinous process of second thoracic vertebra
processus spinalis vertebrae thoracicae secundae
9202 | 21476 | tax |
transverse process of second thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus transversus vertebrae thoracicae secundae (par)
21480 | tax |
superior articular process of second thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae secundae (par)
28485 | 21484 | tax |
superior articular surface of second thoracic vertebra (pair)
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae secundae (par)
9207 | 21488 | tax |
inferior articular process of second thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae secundae (par)
28521 | 21492 | tax |
inferior articular surface of second thoracic vertebra (pair)
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae secundae (par)
9192 | 21496 | tax |
superior costal fovea of second thoracic vertebra (pair)
fovea costalis superior vertebrae thoracicae secundae (par)
21500 | tax |
inferior costal fovea of second thoracic vertebra (pair)
fovea costalis inferior vertebrae thoracicae secundae (par)
9203 | 10713 | tax |
costal fovea of transverse process of second thoracic vertebra (pair)
fovea costalis processus transversi vertebrae thoracicae secundae (par)
9209 | 10714 | tax |
third thoracic vertebra
vertebra thoracica tertia
9210 | 21504 | tax |
body of third thoracic vertebra
corpus vertebrae thoracicae tertiae
9216 | 21505 | tax |
superior intervertebral surface of body of third thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae tertiae
9217 | 21506 | tax |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of third thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae tertiae
21507 | tax |
superior anular epiphysis of body of third thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae tertiae
21508 | tax |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of third thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae tertiae
9218 | 21509 | tax |
arch of third thoracic vertebra
arcus vertebrae thoracicae tertiae
9219 | 21510 | tax |
pedicle of third thoracic vertebra (pair)
pediculus vertebrae thoracicae tertiae (par)
9222 | 21514 | tax |
layer of third thoracic vertebra (pair)
lamina vertebrae thoracicae tertiae (par)
9341 | 10357 | tax |
intervertebral foramen of third thoracic vertebra (pair)
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae thoracicae tertiae (par)
21522 | tax |
superior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis superior (par)
21526 | tax |
inferior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis inferior (par)
13483 | 21530 | tax |
vertebral foramen of third thoracic vertebra
foramen vertebrale vertebrae thoracicae tertiae
9223 | 21531 | tax |
spinous process of third thoracic vertebra
processus spinalis vertebrae thoracicae tertiae
9224 | 21532 | tax |
transverse process of third thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus transversus vertebrae thoracicae tertiae (par)
21536 | tax |
superior articular process of third thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae tertiae (par)
28486 | 21540 | tax |
superior articular surface of third thoracic vertebra (pair)
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae tertiae (par)
9229 | 21544 | tax |
inferior articular process of third thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae tertiae (par)
28522 | 21548 | tax |
inferior articular surface of third thoracic vertebra (pair)
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae tertiae (par)
9214 | 21552 | tax |
superior costal fovea of third thoracic vertebra (pair)
fovea costalis superior vertebrae thoracicae tertiae (par)
21556 | tax |
inferior costal fovea of third thoracic vertebra (pair)
fovea costalis inferior vertebrae thoracicae tertiae (par)
9225 | 9948 | tax |
costal fovea of transverse process of third thoracic vertebra (pair)
fovea costalis processus transversi vertebrae thoracicae tertiae (par)
9248 | 10715 | tax |
fourth thoracic vertebra
vertebra thoracica quarta
9249 | 21784 | tax |
body of fourth thoracic vertebra
corpus vertebrae thoracicae quartae
9255 | 21785 | tax |
superior intervertebral surface of body of fourth thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae quartae
9256 | 21786 | tax |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of fourth thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae quartae
21787 | tax |
superior anular epiphysis of body of fourth thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae quartae
21788 | tax |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of fourth thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae quartae
9257 | 21789 | tax |
arch of fourth thoracic vertebra
arcus vertebrae thoracicae quartae
9258 | 21790 | tax |
pedicle of fourth thoracic vertebra (pair)
pediculus vertebrae thoracicae quartae (par)
9261 | 21794 | tax |
layer of fourth thoracic vertebra (pair)
lamina vertebrae thoracicae quartae (par)
9342 | 10358 | tax |
intervertebral foramen of fourth thoracic vertebra (pair)
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae thoracicae quartae (par)
21802 | tax |
superior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis superior (par)
21806 | tax |
inferior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis inferior (par)
13484 | 21810 | tax |
vertebral foramen of fourth thoracic vertebra
foramen vertebrale vertebrae thoracicae quartae
9262 | 21811 | tax |
spinous process of fourth thoracic vertebra
processus spinalis vertebrae thoracicae quartae
9263 | 21812 | tax |
transverse process of fourth thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus transversus vertebrae thoracicae quartae (par)
21816 | tax |
superior articular process of fourth thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae quartae (par)
28487 | 21820 | tax |
superior articular surface of fourth thoracic vertebra (pair)
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae quartae (par)
9268 | 21824 | tax |
inferior articular process of fourth thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae quartae (par)
28523 | 21828 | tax |
inferior articular surface of fourth thoracic vertebra (pair)
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae quartae (par)
9253 | 21832 | tax |
superior costal fovea of fourth thoracic vertebra (pair)
fovea costalis superior vertebrae thoracicae quartae (par)
21836 | tax |
inferior costal fovea of fourth thoracic vertebra (pair)
fovea costalis inferior vertebrae thoracicae quartae (par)
9264 | 9949 | tax |
costal fovea of transverse process of fourth thoracic vertebra (pair)
fovea costalis processus transversi vertebrae thoracicae quartae (par)
9922 | 10716 | tax |
fifth thoracic vertebra
vertebra thoracica quinta
9923 | 21560 | tax |
body of fifth thoracic vertebra
corpus vertebrae thoracicae quintae
9929 | 21561 | tax |
superior intervertebral surface of body of fifth thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae quintae
9930 | 21562 | tax |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of fifth thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae quintae
21563 | tax |
superior anular epiphysis of body of fifth thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae quintae
21564 | tax |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of fifth thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae quintae
9931 | 21565 | tax |
arch of fifth thoracic vertebra
arcus vertebrae thoracicae quintae
9932 | 21566 | tax |
pedicle of fifth thoracic vertebra (pair)
pediculus vertebrae thoracicae quintae (par)
9935 | 21570 | tax |
layer of fifth thoracic vertebra (pair)
lamina vertebrae thoracicae quintae (par)
9943 | 10403 | tax |
intervertebral foramen of fifth thoracic vertebra (pair)
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae thoracicae quintae (par)
21578 | tax |
superior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis superior (par)
21582 | tax |
inferior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis inferior (par)
13485 | 21586 | tax |
vertebral foramen of fifth thoracic vertebra
foramen vertebrale vertebrae thoracicae quintae
9936 | 21587 | tax |
spinous process of fifth thoracic vertebra
processus spinalis vertebrae thoracicae quintae
9937 | 21588 | tax |
transverse process of fifth thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus transversus vertebrae thoracicae quintae (par)
21592 | tax |
superior articular process of fifth thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae quintae (par)
28488 | 21596 | tax |
superior articular surface of fifth thoracic vertebra (pair)
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae quintae (par)
9942 | 21600 | tax |
inferior articular process of fifth thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae quintae (par)
28524 | 21604 | tax |
inferior articular surface of fifth thoracic vertebra (pair)
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae quintae (par)
9927 | 21608 | tax |
superior costal fovea of fifth thoracic vertebra (pair)
fovea costalis superior vertebrae thoracicae quintae (par)
21612 | tax |
inferior costal fovea of fifth thoracic vertebra (pair)
fovea costalis inferior vertebrae thoracicae quintae (par)
9938 | 9950 | tax |
costal fovea of transverse process of fifth thoracic vertebra (pair)
fovea costalis processus transversi vertebrae thoracicae quintae (par)
9945 | 10802 | tax |
sixth thoracic vertebra
vertebra thoracica sexta
9946 | 21840 | tax |
body of sixth thoracic vertebra
corpus vertebrae thoracicae sextae
9952 | 21841 | tax |
superior intervertebral surface of body of sixth thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae sextae
9953 | 21842 | tax |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of sixth thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae sextae
21843 | tax |
superior anular epiphysis of body of sixth thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae sextae
21844 | tax |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of sixth thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae sextae
9954 | 21845 | tax |
arch of sixth thoracic vertebra
arcus vertebrae thoracicae sextae
9955 | 21846 | tax |
pedicle of sixth thoracic vertebra (pair)
pediculus vertebrae thoracicae sextae (par)
9958 | 21850 | tax |
layer of sixth thoracic vertebra (pair)
lamina vertebrae thoracicae sextae (par)
9944 | 10413 | tax |
intervertebral foramen of sixth thoracic vertebra (pair)
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae thoracicae sextae (par)
21858 | tax |
superior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis superior (par)
21862 | tax |
inferior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis inferior (par)
13486 | 21866 | tax |
vertebral foramen of sixth thoracic vertebra
foramen vertebrale vertebrae thoracicae sextae
9959 | 21867 | tax |
spinous process of sixth thoracic vertebra
processus spinalis vertebrae thoracicae sextae
9960 | 21868 | tax |
transverse process of sixth thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus transversus vertebrae thoracicae sextae (par)
21872 | tax |
superior articular process of sixth thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae sextae (par)
28499 | 21876 | tax |
superior articular surface of sixth thoracic vertebra (pair)
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae sextae (par)
9965 | 21880 | tax |
inferior articular process of sixth thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae sextae (par)
28525 | 21884 | tax |
inferior articular surface of sixth thoracic vertebra (pair)
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae sextae (par)
9950 | 21888 | tax |
superior costal fovea of sixth thoracic vertebra (pair)
fovea costalis superior vertebrae thoracicae sextae (par)
21892 | tax |
inferior costal fovea of sixth thoracic vertebra (pair)
fovea costalis inferior vertebrae thoracicae sextae (par)
16580 | tax |
costal fovea of transverse process of sixth thoracic vertebra (pair)
fovea costalis processus transversi vertebrae thoracicae sextae (par)
9968 | 10821 | tax |
seventh thoracic vertebra
vertebra thoracica septima
9969 | 21616 | tax |
body of seventh thoracic vertebra
corpus vertebrae thoracicae septimae
9975 | 21617 | tax |
superior intervertebral surface of body of seventh thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae septimae
9976 | 21618 | tax |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of seventh thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae septimae
21619 | tax |
superior anular epiphysis of body of seventh thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae septimae
21620 | tax |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of seventh thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae septimae
9977 | 21621 | tax |
arch of seventh thoracic vertebra
arcus vertebrae thoracicae septimae
9981 | 21626 | tax |
layer of seventh thoracic vertebra (pair)
lamina vertebrae thoracicae septimae (par)
9967 | 10420 | tax |
intervertebral foramen of seventh thoracic vertebra (pair)
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae thoracicae septimae (par)
21634 | tax |
superior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis superior (par)
21638 | tax |
inferior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis inferior (par)
13487 | 21642 | tax |
vertebral foramen of seventh thoracic vertebra
foramen vertebrale vertebrae thoracicae septimae
9982 | 21643 | tax |
spinous process of seventh thoracic vertebra
processus spinalis vertebrae thoracicae septimae
9983 | 21644 | tax |
transverse process of seventh thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus transversus vertebrae thoracicae septimae (par)
21648 | tax |
superior articular process of seventh thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae septimae (par)
28490 | 21652 | tax |
superior articular surface of seventh thoracic vertebra (pair)
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae septimae (par)
9988 | 21656 | tax |
inferior articular process of seventh thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae septimae (par)
28526 | 21660 | tax |
inferior articular surface of seventh thoracic vertebra (pair)
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae septimae (par)
9973 | 21664 | tax |
superior costal fovea of seventh thoracic vertebra (pair)
fovea costalis superior vertebrae thoracicae septimae (par)
21668 | tax |
inferior costal fovea of seventh thoracic vertebra (pair)
fovea costalis inferior vertebrae thoracicae septimae (par)
16581 | tax |
costal fovea of transverse process of seventh thoracic vertebra (pair)
fovea costalis processus transversi vertebrae thoracicae septimae (par)
9991 | 10822 | tax |
eighth thoracic vertebra
vertebra thoracica octava
9992 | 21896 | tax |
body of eighth thoracic vertebra
corpus vertebrae thoracicae octavae
9998 | 21897 | tax |
superior intervertebral surface of body of eighth thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae octavae
9999 | 21898 | tax |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of eighth thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae octavae
21899 | tax |
superior anular epiphysis of body of eighth thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae octavae
21900 | tax |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of eighth thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae octavae
10000 | 21901 | tax |
arch of eighth thoracic vertebra
arcus vertebrae thoracicae octavae
10001 | 21902 | tax |
pedicle of eighth thoracic vertebra (pair)
pediculus vertebrae thoracicae octavae (par)
10004 | 21906 | tax |
layer of eighth thoracic vertebra (pair)
lamina vertebrae thoracicae octavae (par)
9990 | 10422 | tax |
intervertebral foramen of eighth thoracic vertebra (pair)
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae thoracicae octavae (par)
21914 | tax |
superior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis superior (par)
21918 | tax |
inferior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis inferior (par)
13488 | 21922 | tax |
vertebral foramen of eighth thoracic vertebra
foramen vertebrale vertebrae thoracicae octavae
10005 | 21923 | tax |
spinous process of eighth thoracic vertebra
processus spinalis vertebrae thoracicae octavae
10006 | 21924 | tax |
transverse process of eighth thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus transversus vertebrae thoracicae octavae (par)
21928 | tax |
superior articular process of eighth thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae octavae (par)
28491 | 21932 | tax |
superior articular surface of eighth thoracic vertebra (pair)
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae octavae (par)
10011 | 21936 | tax |
inferior articular process of eighth thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae octavae (par)
28527 | 21940 | tax |
inferior articular surface of eighth thoracic vertebra (pair)
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae octavae (par)
9996 | 21944 | tax |
superior costal fovea of eighth thoracic vertebra (pair)
fovea costalis superior vertebrae thoracicae octavae (par)
21948 | tax |
inferior costal fovea of eighth thoracic vertebra (pair)
fovea costalis inferior vertebrae thoracicae octavae (par)
16582 | tax |
costal fovea of transverse process of eighth thoracic vertebra (pair)
fovea costalis processus transversi vertebrae thoracicae octavae (par)
10014 | 10823 | tax |
ninth thoracic vertebra
vertebra thoracica nona
10015 | 21672 | tax |
body of ninth thoracic vertebra
corpus vertebrae thoracicae nonae
10021 | 21673 | tax |
superior intervertebral surface of body of ninth thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae nonae
10022 | 21674 | tax |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of ninth thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae nonae
21675 | tax |
superior anular epiphysis of body of ninth thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae nonae
21676 | tax |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of ninth thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae nonae
10023 | 21677 | tax |
arch of ninth thoracic vertebra
arcus vertebrae thoracicae nonae
10024 | 21678 | tax |
pedicle of ninth thoracic vertebra (pair)
pediculus vertebrae thoracicae nonae (par)
10027 | 21682 | tax |
layer of ninth thoracic vertebra (pair)
lamina vertebrae thoracicae nonae (par)
10013 | 10423 | tax |
intervertebral foramen of ninth thoracic vertebra (pair)
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae thoracicae nonae (par)
21690 | tax |
superior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis superior (par)
21694 | tax |
inferior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis inferior (par)
13489 | 21698 | tax |
vertebral foramen of ninth thoracic vertebra
foramen vertebrale vertebrae thoracicae nonae
10028 | 21699 | tax |
spinous process of ninth thoracic vertebra
processus spinalis vertebrae thoracicae nonae
10029 | 21700 | tax |
transverse process of ninth thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus transversus vertebrae thoracicae nonae (par)
21704 | tax |
superior articular process of ninth thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae nonae (par)
28492 | 21708 | tax |
superior articular surface of ninth thoracic vertebra (pair)
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae nonae (par)
10034 | 21712 | tax |
inferior articular process of ninth thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae nonae (par)
28528 | 21716 | tax |
inferior articular surface of ninth thoracic vertebra (pair)
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae nonae (par)
10019 | 21720 | tax |
superior costal fovea of ninth thoracic vertebra (pair)
fovea costalis superior vertebrae thoracicae nonae (par)
21724 | tax |
inferior costal fovea of ninth thoracic vertebra (pair)
fovea costalis inferior vertebrae thoracicae nonae (par)
16583 | tax |
costal fovea of transverse process of ninth thoracic vertebra (pair)
fovea costalis processus transversi vertebrae thoracicae nonae (par)
10037 | 10824 | tax |
tenth thoracic vertebra
vertebra thoracica decima
10038 | 21952 | tax |
body of tenth thoracic vertebra
corpus vertebrae thoracicae decimae
10043 | 21953 | tax |
superior intervertebral surface of body of tenth thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae decimae
10044 | 21954 | tax |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of tenth thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae decimae
21955 | tax |
superior anular epiphysis of body of tenth thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae decimae
21956 | tax |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of tenth thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae decimae
10045 | 21957 | tax |
arch of tenth thoracic vertebra
arcus vertebrae thoracicae decimae
10046 | 21958 | tax |
pedicle of tenth thoracic vertebra (pair)
pediculus vertebrae thoracicae decimae (par)
10049 | 21962 | tax |
layer of tenth thoracic vertebra (pair)
lamina vertebrae thoracicae decimae (par)
10036 | 10424 | tax |
intervertebral foramen of tenth thoracic vertebra (pair)
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae thoracicae decimae (par)
21970 | tax |
superior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis superior (par)
21974 | tax |
inferior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis inferior (par)
13490 | 21978 | tax |
vertebral foramen of tenth thoracic vertebra
foramen vertebrale vertebrae thoracicae decimae
10050 | 21979 | tax |
spinous process of tenth thoracic vertebra
processus spinalis vertebrae thoracicae decimae
10051 | 21980 | tax |
transverse process of tenth thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus transversus vertebrae thoracicae decimae (par)
21984 | tax |
superior articular process of tenth thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae decimae (par)
28493 | 21988 | tax |
superior articular surface of tenth thoracic vertebra (pair)
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae decimae (par)
10056 | 21992 | tax |
inferior articular process of tenth thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae decimae (par)
28529 | 21996 | tax |
inferior articular surface of tenth thoracic vertebra (pair)
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae decimae (par)
10042 | 22000 | tax |
superior costal fovea of tenth thoracic vertebra (pair)
fovea costalis superior vertebrae thoracicae decimae (par)
22004 | tax |
inferior costal fovea of tenth thoracic vertebra (pair)
fovea costalis inferior vertebrae thoracicae decimae (par)
16584 | tax |
costal fovea of transverse process of tenth thoracic vertebra (pair)
fovea costalis processus transversi vertebrae thoracicae decimae (par)
10059 | 10825 | tax |
eleventh thoracic vertebra
vertebra thoracica undecima
10060 | 21728 | tax |
body of eleventh thoracic vertebra
corpus vertebrae thoracicae undecimae
10065 | 21729 | tax |
superior intervertebral surface of body of eleventh thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae undecimae
10066 | 21730 | tax |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of eleventh thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae undecimae
21731 | tax |
superior anular epiphysis of body of eleventh thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae undecimae
21732 | tax |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of eleventh thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae undecimae
10067 | 21733 | tax |
arch of eleventh thoracic vertebra
arcus vertebrae thoracicae undecimae
10068 | 21734 | tax |
pedicle of eleventh thoracic vertebra (pair)
pediculus vertebrae thoracicae undecimae (par)
10071 | 21738 | tax |
layer of eleventh thoracic vertebra (pair)
lamina vertebrae thoracicae undecimae (par)
10058 | 10460 | tax |
intervertebral foramen of eleventh thoracic vertebra (pair)
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae thoracicae undecimae (par)
21746 | tax |
superior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis superior (par)
21750 | tax |
inferior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis inferior (par)
13491 | 21754 | tax |
vertebral foramen of eleventh thoracic vertebra
foramen vertebrale vertebrae thoracicae undecimae
10072 | 21755 | tax |
spinous process of eleventh thoracic vertebra
processus spinalis vertebrae thoracicae undecimae
10073 | 21756 | tax |
transverse process of eleventh thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus transversus vertebrae thoracicae undecimae (par)
21760 | tax |
superior articular process of eleventh thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae undecimae (par)
28494 | 21764 | tax |
superior articular surface of eleventh thoracic vertebra (pair)
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae undecimae (par)
10078 | 21768 | tax |
inferior articular process of eleventh thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae undecimae (par)
28530 | 21772 | tax |
inferior articular surface of eleventh thoracic vertebra (pair)
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae undecimae (par)
10064 | 21780 | tax |
costal fovea of eleventh thoracic vertebra (pair)
fovea costalis vertebrae thoracicae undecimae (par)
10081 | 10826 | tax |
twelfth thoracic vertebra
vertebra thoracica duodecima
10082 | 22008 | tax |
body of twelfth thoracic vertebra
corpus vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae
10087 | 22009 | tax |
superior intervertebral surface of body of twelfth thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae
10088 | 22010 | tax |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of twelfth thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae
22011 | tax |
superior anular epiphysis of body of twelfth thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae
22012 | tax |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of twelfth thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae
10089 | 22013 | tax |
arch of twelfth thoracic vertebra
arcus vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae
10090 | 22014 | tax |
pedicle of twelfth thoracic vertebra (pair)
pediculus vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae (par)
10093 | 22018 | tax |
layer of twelfth thoracic vertebra (pair)
lamina vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae (par)
10080 | 11917 | tax |
intervertebral foramen of twelfth thoracic vertebra (pair)
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae (par)
22026 | tax |
superior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis superior (par)
22030 | tax |
inferior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis inferior (par)
13492 | 22034 | tax |
vertebral foramen of twelfth thoracic vertebra
foramen vertebrale vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae
10094 | 22035 | tax |
spinous process of twelfth thoracic vertebra
processus spinalis vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae
10095 | 22036 | tax |
transverse process of twelfth thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus transversus vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae (par)
22040 | tax |
superior articular process of twelfth thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae (par)
28495 | 22044 | tax |
superior articular surface of twelfth thoracic vertebra (pair)
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae (par)
10099 | 22048 | tax |
inferior articular process of twelfth thoracic vertebra (pair)
processus articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae (par)
28531 | 22052 | tax |
inferior articular surface of twelfth thoracic vertebra (pair)
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae (par)
11994 | 22060 | tax |
costal fovea of twelfth thoracic vertebra (pair)
fovea costalis vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae (par)
72065 | 824 | tax |
lumbar vertebrae
vertebrae lumbales
16229 | 825 |
accessory process
processus accessorius
13072 | 10827 | tax |
first lumbar vertebra
vertebra lumbalis prima
16082 | 22064 | tax |
body of first lumbar vertebra
corpus vertebrae lumbalis primae
16256 | 22065 | tax |
superior intervertebral surface of body of first lumbar vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae lumbalis primae
16261 | 22066 | tax |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of first lumbar vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae lumbalis primae
22067 | tax |
superior anular epiphysis of body of first lumbar vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae lumbalis primae
22068 | tax |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of first lumbar vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae lumbalis primae
16087 | 22069 | tax |
arch of first lumbar vertebra
arcus vertebrae lumbalis primae
16094 | 22070 | tax |
pedicle of first lumbar vertebra (pair)
pediculus vertebrae lumbalis primae (par)
16164 | 22074 | tax |
layer of first lumbar vertebra (pair)
lamina vertebrae lumbalis primae (par)
22082 | tax |
superior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis superior (par)
22086 | tax |
inferior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis inferior (par)
24827 | 22090 | tax |
vertebral foramen of first lumbar vertebra
foramen vertebrale vertebrae lumbalis primae
16196 | 22091 | tax |
spinous process of first lumbar vertebra
processus spinalis vertebrae lumbalis primae
16179 | 22092 | tax |
costiform process of first lumbar vertebra (pair)
processus costiformis vertebrae lumbalis primae (par) ; processus costalis vertebrae lumbalis primae (par)
22096 | tax |
superior articular process of first lumbar vertebra (pair)
processus articularis superior vertebrae lumbalis primae (par)
30940 | 22100 | tax |
superior articular surface of first lumbar vertebra (pair)
facies articularis superior vertebrae lumbalis primae (par)
16137 | 22104 | tax |
inferior articular process of first lumbar vertebra (pair)
processus articularis inferior vertebrae lumbalis primae (par)
30955 | 22108 | tax |
inferior articular surface of first lumbar vertebra (pair)
facies articularis inferior vertebrae lumbalis primae (par)
16309 | 22112 | tax |
accessory process of first lumbar vertebra (pair)
processus accessorius vertebrae lumbalis primae (par)
16304 | 22120 | tax |
mammillary process of first lumbar vertebra (pair)
processus mammillaris vertebrae lumbalis primae (par)
76636 | 826 |
costiform process
processus costiformis ; processus costalis
13073 | 10828 | tax |
second lumbar vertebra
vertebra lumbalis secunda
16083 | 22124 | tax |
body of second lumbar vertebra
corpus vertebrae lumbalis secundae
16257 | 22125 | tax |
superior intervertebral surface of body of second lumbar vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae lumbalis secundae
16262 | 22126 | tax |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of second lumbar vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae lumbalis secundae
22127 | tax |
superior anular epiphysis of body of second lumbar vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae lumbalis secundae
22128 | tax |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of second lumbar vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae lumbalis secundae
16088 | 22129 | tax |
arch of second lumbar vertebra
arcus vertebrae lumbalis secundae
16095 | 22130 | tax |
pedicle of second lumbar vertebra (pair)
pediculus vertebrae lumbalis secundae (par)
16165 | 22134 | tax |
layer of second lumbar vertebra (pair)
lamina vertebrae lumbalis secundae (par)
72188 | 10101 | tax |
intervertebral foramen of second lumbar vertebra (pair)
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae lumbalis secundae (par)
10102 | tax |
intervertebral foramen of third lumbar vertebra (pair)
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae lumbalis tertiae (par)
22142 | tax |
superior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis superior (par)
10103 | tax |
intervertebral foramen of fourth lumbar vertebra (pair)
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae lumbalis quartae (par)
22146 | tax |
inferior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis inferior (par)
24828 | 22150 | tax |
vertebral foramen of second lumbar vertebra
foramen vertebrale vertebrae lumbalis secundae
10104 | tax |
intervertebral foramen of fifth lumbar vertebra (pair)
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae lumbalis quintae (par)
16197 | 22151 | tax |
spinous process of second lumbar vertebra
processus spinalis vertebrae lumbalis secundae
16180 | 22152 | tax |
costiform process of second lumbar vertebra (pair)
processus costiformis vertebrae lumbalis secundae (par) ; processus costalis vertebrae lumbalis secundae (par)
22156 | tax |
superior articular process of second lumbar vertebra (pair)
processus articularis superior vertebrae lumbalis secundae (par)
30941 | 22160 | tax |
superior articular surface of second lumbar vertebra (pair)
facies articularis superior vertebrae lumbalis secundae (par)
16138 | 22164 | tax |
inferior articular process of second lumbar vertebra (pair)
processus articularis inferior vertebrae lumbalis secundae (par)
30956 | 22168 | tax |
inferior articular surface (pair)
facies articularis inferior (par)
16310 | 22172 | tax |
accessory process (pair)
processus accessorius (par)
16305 | 22180 | tax |
mammillary process of second lumbar vertebra (pair)
processus mammillaris vertebrae lumbalis secundae (par)
16228 | 827 |
mammillary process
processus mammillaris
13074 | 10829 | tax |
third lumbar vertebra
vertebra lumbalis tertia
16084 | 22184 | tax |
body of third lumbar vertebra
corpus vertebrae lumbalis tertiae
16258 | 22185 | tax |
superior intervertebral surface of body of third lumbar vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae lumbalis tertiae
16263 | 22186 | tax |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of third lumbar vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae lumbalis tertiae
22187 | tax |
superior anular epiphysis of body of third lumbar vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae lumbalis tertiae
22188 | tax |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of third lumbar vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae lumbalis tertiae
16089 | 22189 | tax |
arch of third lumbar vertebra
arcus vertebrae lumbalis tertiae
16096 | 22190 | tax |
pedicle of third lumbar vertebra (pair)
pediculus vertebrae lumbalis tertiae (par)
16166 | 22194 | tax |
layer of third lumbar vertebra (pair)
lamina vertebrae lumbalis tertiae (par)
22202 | tax |
superior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis superior (par)
22206 | tax |
inferior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis inferior (par)
24829 | 22210 | tax |
vertebral foramen of third lumbar vertebra
foramen vertebrale vertebrae lumbalis tertiae
16198 | 22211 | tax |
spinous process of third lumbar vertebra
processus spinalis vertebrae lumbalis tertiae
16181 | 22212 | tax |
costiform process of third lumbar vertebra (pair)
processus costiformis vertebrae lumbalis tertiae (par) ; processus costalis vertebrae lumbalis tertiae (par)
22216 | tax |
superior articular process of third lumbar vertebra (pair)
processus articularis superior vertebrae lumbalis tertiae (par)
30942 | 22220 | tax |
superior articular surface of third lumbar vertebra (pair)
facies articularis superior vertebrae lumbalis tertiae (par)
16139 | 22224 | tax |
inferior articular process of third lumbar vertebra (pair)
processus articularis inferior vertebrae lumbalis tertiae (par)
30957 | 22228 | tax |
inferior articular surface of third lumbar vertebra (pair)
facies articularis inferior vertebrae lumbalis tertiae (par)
16311 | 22232 | tax |
accessory process of third lumbar vertebra (pair)
processus accessorius vertebrae lumbalis tertiae (par)
13306 | 22240 | tax |
mammillary process of third lumbar vertebra (pair)
processus mammillaris vertebrae lumbalis tertiae (par)
13075 | 10830 | tax |
fourth lumbar vertebra
vertebra lumbalis quarta
16085 | 22244 | tax |
body of fourth lumbar vertebra
corpus vertebrae lumbalis quartae
16259 | 22245 | tax |
superior intervertebral surface of body of fourth lumbar vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae lumbalis quartae
16264 | 22246 | tax |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of fourth lumbar vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae lumbalis quartae
22247 | tax |
superior anular epiphysis of body of fourth lumbar vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae lumbalis quartae
22248 | tax |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of fourth lumbar vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae lumbalis quartae
16090 | 22249 | tax |
arch of fourth lumbar vertebra
arcus vertebrae lumbalis quartae
16097 | 22250 | tax |
pedicle of fourth lumbar vertebra (pair)
pediculus vertebrae lumbalis quartae (par)
16167 | 22254 | tax |
layer of fourth lumbar vertebra (pair)
lamina vertebrae lumbalis quartae (par)
22262 | tax |
superior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis superior (par)
22266 | tax |
inferior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis inferior (par)
24830 | 22270 | tax |
vertebral foramen of fourth lumbar vertebra
foramen vertebrale vertebrae lumbalis quartae
16199 | 22271 | tax |
spinous process of fourth lumbar vertebra
processus spinalis vertebrae lumbalis quartae
16182 | 22272 | tax |
costiform process of fourth lumbar vertebra (pair)
processus costiformis vertebrae lumbalis quartae (par) ; processus costalis vertebrae lumbalis quartae (par)
22276 | tax |
superior articular process of fourth lumbar vertebra (pair)
processus articularis superior vertebrae lumbalis quartae (par)
30943 | 22280 | tax |
superior articular surface of fourth lumbar vertebra (pair)
facies articularis superior vertebrae lumbalis quartae (par)
16140 | 22284 | tax |
inferior articular process of fourth lumbar vertebra (pair)
processus articularis inferior vertebrae lumbalis quartae (par)
30958 | 22288 | tax |
inferior articular surface of fourth lumbar vertebra (pair)
facies articularis inferior vertebrae lumbalis quartae (par)
16312 | 22292 | tax |
accessory process of fourth lumbar vertebra (pair)
processus accessorius vertebrae lumbalis quartae (par)
16307 | 22300 | tax |
mammillary process of fourth lumbar vertebra (pair)
processus mammillaris vertebrae lumbalis quartae (par)
13076 | 10831 | tax |
fifth lumbar vertebra
vertebra lumbalis quinta
16086 | 22304 | tax |
body of fifth lumbar vertebra
corpus vertebrae lumbalis quintae
16260 | 22305 | tax |
superior intervertebral surface of body of fifth lumbar vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae lumbalis quintae
16265 | 22306 | tax |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of fifth lumbar vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae lumbalis quintae
22307 | tax |
superior anular epiphysis of body of fifth lumbar vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae lumbalis quintae
22308 | tax |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of fifth lumbar vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae lumbalis quintae
16091 | 22309 | tax |
arch of fifth lumbar vertebra
arcus vertebrae lumbalis quintae
16098 | 22310 | tax |
pedicle of fifth lumbar vertebra (pair)
pediculus vertebrae lumbalis quintae (par)
16168 | 22314 | tax |
layer of fifth lumbar vertebra (pair)
lamina vertebrae lumbalis quintae (par)
22322 | tax |
superior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis superior (par)
22326 | tax |
inferior vertebral notch (pair)
incisura vertebralis inferior (par)
24831 | 22330 | tax |
vertebral foramen of fifth lumbar vertebra
foramen vertebrale vertebrae lumbalis quintae
16200 | 22331 | tax |
spinous process of fifth lumbar vertebra
processus spinalis vertebrae lumbalis quintae
16183 | 22332 | tax |
costiform process of fifth lumbar vertebra (pair)
processus costiformis vertebrae lumbalis quintae (par) ; processus costalis vertebrae lumbalis quintae (par)
16313 | 22352 | tax |
accessory process of fifth lumbar vertebra (pair)
processus accessorius vertebrae lumbalis quintae (par)
16308 | 22360 | tax |
mammillary process of fifth lumbar vertebra (pair)
processus mammillaris vertebrae lumbalis quintae (par)
16202 | 828 | tax |
os sacrum
31722 | 829 | tax |
base of sacrum
basis ossis sacri
31723 | 830 | tax |
promontory of sacrum ; sacral promontory
promontorium ossis sacri
32439 | 831 | tax |
ala of sacrum (pair); wing of sacrum (pair)
ala ossis sacri (par)
16215 | 832 | tax |
superior articular process of sacrum (pair)
processus articularis superior ossis sacri (par)
16218 | 833 | tax |
lateral part (pair)
pars lateralis (par)
31730 | 834 | tax |
auricular surface (pair)
facies auricularis (par)
31724 | 835 | tax |
sacral tuberosity (pair)
tuberositas ossis sacri (par)
31718 | 836 | tax |
pelvic face of sacrum
facies pelvica ossis sacri
31810 | 837 | tax |
transverse (pair)
lineae transversae (par)
75346 | 838 | tax |
intervertebral foramina of sacrum (pair)
foramina intervertebralia ossis sacri (par)
306223 | 10352 | tax |
intervertebral foramen of second sacral vertebra
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae sacralis secundae
306225 | 10353 | tax |
intervertebral foramen of third sacral vertebra
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae sacralis tertiae
306227 | 10354 | tax |
intervertebral foramen of fourth sacral vertebra
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae sacralis quartae
306229 | 10355 | tax |
intervertebral foramen of fifth sacral vertebra
foramen intervertebrale vertebrae sacralis quintae
73355 | 839 | tax |
anterior sacral foramina (pair)
foramina sacralia anteriora (par)
31719 | 840 | tax |
dorsal face
facies dorsalis
842 | tax |
posterior sacral foramina (pair)
foramina sacralia posteriora (par)
31725 | 841 | tax |
median sacral crest (pair)
crista sacralis mediana (par)
31726 | 843 | tax |
medial sacral crest (pair)
crista sacralis medialis (par)
31727 | 844 | tax |
lateral sacral crest (pair)
crista sacralis lateralis (par)
31729 | 845 | tax |
sacral horn (pair)
cornu sacrale (par)
31731 | 846 | tax |
sacral canal
canalis sacralis
31732 | 847 | tax |
sacral hiatus
hiatus sacralis
31721 | 848 | tax |
apex of sacrum
apex ossis sacri ; apex ossis sacralis
12526 | 10999 | tax |
sacral vertebrae S1-S5
vertebrae sacrales SI-SV
13077 | 11000 | tax |
first sacral vertebra ; S I
vertebra sacralis prima ; S I
13078 | 11001 | tax |
second sacral vertebra ; S II
vertebra sacralis secunda ; S II
13079 | 11002 | tax |
third sacral vertebra ; S III
vertebra sacralis tertia ; S III
13080 | 11003 | tax |
fourth sacral vertebra ; S IV
vertebra sacralis quarta ; S IV
13081 | 11004 | tax |
fifth sacral vertebra ; S V
vertebra sacralis quinta ; S V
20229 | 849 | tax |
coccyx ; coccygeal vertebrae
coccyx ; vertebrae coccygeae
35005 | 850 | tax |
coccygeal horn (pair)
cornu coccygeum (par)
77169 | 851 | tax |
thoracic skeleton
skeleton thoracis
7574 | 852 | tax |
ribs (pair)
costae (par)
852 |
# rib
# costa
7575 | 858 | tax |
head of rib (pair)
caput costae (par)
7579 | 859 | tax |
articular facet of head of rib (pair)
facies articularis capitis costae (par)
7578 | 860 | tax |
crest of head of rib (pair)
crista capitis costae (par)
7576 | 861 | tax |
neck of rib (pair)
collum costae (par)
7582 | 862 | tax |
crest of neck of rib (pair)
crista colli costae (par)
7577 | 863 | tax |
body of rib (pair) ; shaft of rib (pair)
corpus costae (par)
7583 | 864 | tax |
tubercle of rib (pair)
tuberculum costae (par)
7584 | 865 | tax |
articular facet of tubercle of rib (pair)
facies articularis tuberculi costae (par)
7589 | 866 | tax |
angle of rib (pair)
angulus costae (par)
7588 | 867 | tax |
costal groove (pair)
sulcus costae (par)
75072 | 868 | tax |
crest of body of rib (pair)
crista corporis costae (par)
7592 | 853 | tax |
true ribs (pair)
costae verae (par)
7594 | 854 | tax |
false ribs (pair)
costae spuriae (par)
9912 | 855 | tax |
floating ribs (pair)
costae fluctuantes (par)
9913 | 869 | tax |
(cervical rib (pair) )
(costa cervicalis (par) ; costa colli (par))
7597 | 870 | tax |
first rib (pair) ; true first rib (pair)
costa prima (par) ; costa prima vera (par)
7600 | 13073 | tax |
head of first rib (pair)
caput costae primae (par)
7604 | 13077 | tax |
articular surface of head of first rib (pair)
facies articularis capitis costae primae (par)
13081 | tax |
crest of head of first rib (pair)
crista capitis costae primae (par)
7601 | 13085 | tax |
neck of first rib (pair)
collum costae primae (par)
13088 | tax |
crest of neck of first rib (pair)
crista colli costae primae (par)
7602 | 13092 | tax |
body of first rib (pair)
corpus costae primae (par)
7605 | 13096 | tax |
tubercle of first rib (pair)
tuberculum costae primae (par)
66092 | 13099 | tax |
articular face of tubercle of first rib (pair)
facies articularis tuberculi costae primae (par)
7608 | 13103 | tax |
angle of first rib (pair)
angulus costae primae (par)
13107 | tax |
sulcus of first rib (pair)
sulcus costae primae (par)
13110 | tax |
crest of body of first rib (pair)
crista corporis costae primae (par)
76639 | 871 | tax |
scalene tubercle (pair)
tuberculum musculi scaleni anterioris (par)
13156 | 872 | tax |
groove of subclavian artery (pair)
sulcus arteriae subsubclaviae (par)
75073 | 873 | tax |
groove of subclavian vein (pair)
sulcus venae subclaviae (par)
17134 | tax |
tubercle of middle scalene muscle (pair)
tuberculum musculi scaleni medii (par)
7620 | 874 | tax |
second rib (pair) ; true second rib (pair)
costa secunda (par) ; costa secunda vera (par)
7621 | 13129 | tax |
head of second rib (pair)
caput costae secundae (par)
7631 | 13133 | tax |
articular surface of head of second rib (pair)
facies articularis capitis costae secundae (par)
7632 | 13137 | tax |
crest of head of second rib (pair)
crista capitis costae secundae (par)
7622 | 13141 | tax |
neck of second rib (pair)
collum costae secundae (par)
13145 | tax |
crest of neck of second rib (pair)
crista colli costae secundae (par)
7623 | 13149 | tax |
body of second rib (pair)
corpus costae secundae (par)
7626 | 13153 | tax |
tubercle of second rib (pair)
tuberculum costae secundae (par)
66093 | 13157 | tax |
articular face of tubercle of second rib (pair)
facies articularis tuberculi costae secundae (par)
7630 | 13161 | tax |
angle of second rib (pair)
angulus costae secundae (par)
7636 | 13165 | tax |
sulcus of second rib (pair)
sulcus costae secundae (par)
13169 | tax |
crest of body of second rib (pair)
crista corporis costae secundae (par)
76640 | 875 | tax |
tuberosity of anterior serratus muscle (pair)
tuberositas musculi serrati anterioris (par)
65469 | 876 | tax |
(lumbar rib (pair) )
(costa lumbalis (par) )
7638 | 10841 | tax |
third rib (pair) ; true third rib (pair)
costa tertia (par) ; costa tertia vera (par)
7639 | 22420 | tax |
head of third rib (pair)
caput costae tertiae (par)
7704 | 22424 | tax |
articular surface of head of third rib (pair)
facies articularis capitis costae tertiae (par)
7640 | 22428 | tax |
crest of head of third rib (pair)
crista capitis costae tertiae (par)
7699 | 22432 | tax |
neck of third rib (pair)
collum costae tertiae (par)
7707 | 22436 | tax |
crest of neck of third rib (pair)
crista colli costae tertiae (par)
7700 | 22440 | tax |
body of third rib (pair)
corpus costae tertiae (par)
7708 | 22444 | tax |
tubercle of third rib (pair)
tuberculum costae tertiae (par)
66094 | 22448 | tax |
articular face of tubercle of third rib (pair)
facies articularis tuberculi costae tertiae (par)
7711 | 22452 | tax |
angle of third rib (pair)
angulus costae tertiae (par)
7714 | 22456 | tax |
sulcus of third rib (pair)
sulcus costae tertiae (par)
22460 | tax |
crest of body of third rib (pair)
crista corporis costae tertiae (par)
7749 | 10832 | tax |
fourth rib (pair) ; true fourth rib (pair)
costa quarta (par) ; costa quarta vera (par)
7750 | 11040 | tax |
head of fourth rib (pair)
caput costae quartae (par)
7752 | 11408 | tax |
articular surface of head of fourth rib (pair)
facies articularis capitis costae quartae (par)
7751 | 11416 | tax |
crest of head of fourth rib (pair)
crista capitis costae quartae (par)
7755 | 11424 | tax |
neck of fourth rib (pair)
collum costae quartae (par)
7756 | 11428 | tax |
crest of neck of fourth rib (pair)
crista colli costae quartae (par)
7757 | 11429 | tax |
body of fourth rib (pair)
corpus costae quartae (par)
7758 | 11430 | tax |
tubercle of fourth rib (pair)
tuberculum costae quartae (par)
66095 | 11431 | tax |
articular face of tubercle of fourth rib (pair)
facies articularis tuberculi costae quartae (par)
7761 | 11432 | tax |
angle of fourth rib (pair)
angulus costae quartae (par)
7764 | 11433 | tax |
sulcus of fourth rib (pair)
sulcus costae quartae (par)
11437 | tax |
crest of body of fourth rib (pair)
crista corporis costae quartae (par)
7776 | 10833 | tax |
fifth rib (pair) ; true fifth rib (pair)
costa quinta (par) ; costa quinta vera (par)
7777 | 11438 | tax |
head of fifth rib (pair)
caput costae quintae (par)
7779 | 11443 | tax |
articular surface of head of fifth rib (pair)
facies articularis capitis costae quintae (par)
7778 | 11445 | tax |
crest of head of fifth rib (pair)
crista capitis costae quintae (par)
7782 | 11446 | tax |
neck of fifth rib (pair)
collum costae quintae (par)
7783 | 11447 | tax |
crest of neck of fifth rib (pair)
crista colli costae quintae (par)
7784 | 11450 | tax |
body of fifth rib (pair)
corpus costae quintae (par)
7785 | 11452 | tax |
tubercle of fifth rib (pair)
tuberculum costae quintae (par)
66096 | 11459 | tax |
articular face of tubercle of fifth rib (pair)
facies articularis tuberculi costae quintae (par)
7788 | 11461 | tax |
angle of fifth rib (pair)
angulus costae quintae (par)
7791 | 11487 | tax |
sulcus of fifth rib (pair)
sulcus costae quintae (par)
11488 | tax |
crest of body of fifth rib (pair)
crista corporis costae quintae (par)
8147 | 10834 | tax |
sixth rib (pair) ; true sixth rib (pair)
costa sexta (par) ; costa sexta vera (par)
7804 | 17059 | tax |
head of sixth rib (pair)
caput costae sextae (par)
7806 | 17068 | tax |
articular surface of head of sixth rib (pair)
facies articularis capitis costae sextae (par)
7805 | 17075 | tax |
crest of head of sixth rib (pair)
crista capitis costae sextae (par)
7809 | 17082 | tax |
neck of sixth rib (pair)
collum costae sextae (par)
7810 | 17089 | tax |
crest of neck of sixth rib (pair)
crista colli costae sextae (par)
7811 | 17096 | tax |
body of sixth rib (pair)
corpus costae sextae (par)
7812 | 17104 | tax |
tubercle of sixth rib (pair)
tuberculum costae sextae (par)
66097 | 17109 | tax |
articular face of tubercle of sixth rib (pair)
facies articularis tuberculi costae sextae (par)
7815 | 17115 | tax |
angle of sixth rib (pair)
angulus costae sextae (par)
7818 | 17121 | tax |
groove of sixth rib (pair)
sulcus costae sextae (par)
17127 | tax |
crest of body of sixth rib (pair)
crista corporis costae sextae (par)
7830 | 10835 | tax |
seventh rib (pair) ; true seventh rib (pair)
costa septima (par) ; costa septima vera (par)
7831 | 17060 | tax |
head of seventh rib (pair)
caput costae septimae (par)
7833 | 17069 | tax |
articular surface of head of seventh rib (pair)
facies articularis capitis costae septimae (par)
7832 | 17076 | tax |
crest of head of seventh rib (pair)
crista capitis costae septimae (par)
7836 | 17083 | tax |
neck of seventh rib (pair)
collum costae septimae (par)
7837 | 17090 | tax |
crest of neck of seventh rib (pair)
crista colli costae septimae (par)
7838 | 17097 | tax |
body of seventh rib (pair)
corpus costae septimae (par)
7839 | 17105 | tax |
tubercle of seventh rib (pair)
tuberculum costae septimae (par)
66098 | 17110 | tax |
articular face of tubercle of seventh rib (pair)
facies articularis tuberculi costae septimae (par)
7842 | 17116 | tax |
angle of seventh rib (pair)
angulus costae septimae (par)
7845 | 17122 | tax |
groove of seventh rib (pair)
sulcus costae septimae (par)
17128 | tax |
crest of body of seventh rib (pair)
crista corporis costae septimae (par)
8120 | 10836 | tax |
eighth rib (pair) ; false eighth rib (pair)
costa octava (par) ; costa octava spuria (par)
8121 | 17061 | tax |
head of eighth rib (pair)
caput costae octavae (par)
8123 | 17070 | tax |
articular surface of head of eighth rib (pair)
facies articularis capitis costae octavae (par)
8122 | 17077 | tax |
crest of head of eighth rib (pair)
crista capitis costae octavae (par)
8126 | 17084 | tax |
neck of eighth rib (pair)
collum costae octavae (par)
8127 | 17091 | tax |
crest of neck of eighth rib (pair)
crista colli costae octavae (par)
8128 | 17098 | tax |
body of eighth rib (pair)
corpus costae octavae (par)
8129 | 17106 | tax |
tubercle of eighth rib (pair)
tuberculum costae octavae (par)
66099 | 17111 | tax |
articular face of tubercle of eighth rib (pair)
facies articularis tuberculi costae octavae (par)
8132 | 17117 | tax |
angle of eighth rib (pair)
angulus costae octavae (par)
8135 | 17123 | tax |
groove of eighth rib (pair)
sulcus costae octavae (par)
17129 | tax |
crest of body of eighth rib (pair)
crista corporis costae octavae (par)
8337 | 10837 | tax |
ninth rib (pair) ; false ninth rib (pair)
costa nona (par) ; costa nona spuria (par)
8338 | 17062 | tax |
head of ninth rib (pair)
caput costae nonae (par)
8340 | 17071 | tax |
articular surface of head of ninth rib (pair)
facies articularis capitis costae nonae (par)
8339 | 17078 | tax |
crest of head of ninth rib (pair)
crista capitis costae nonae (par)
8343 | 17085 | tax |
neck of ninth rib (pair)
collum costae nonae (par)
8344 | 17092 | tax |
crest of neck of ninth rib (pair)
crista colli costae nonae (par)
8345 | 17099 | tax |
body of ninth rib (pair)
corpus costae nonae (par)
8346 | 17107 | tax |
tubercle of ninth rib (pair)
tuberculum costae nonae (par)
66100 | 17112 | tax |
articular face of tubercle of ninth rib (pair)
facies articularis tuberculi costae nonae (par)
8349 | 17118 | tax |
angle of ninth rib (pair)
angulus costae nonae (par)
8352 | 17124 | tax |
groove of ninth rib (pair)
sulcus costae nonae (par)
17130 | tax |
crest of body of ninth rib (pair)
crista corporis costae nonae (par)
8418 | 8573 | tax |
tenth rib (pair) ; false tenth rib (pair)
costa decima (par) ; costa decima spuria (par)
8419 | 17063 | tax |
head of tenth rib (pair)
caput costae decimae (par)
8421 | 17072 | tax |
articular surface of head of tenth rib (pair)
facies articularis capitis costae decimae (par)
17079 | tax |
crest of head of tenth rib (pair)
crista capitis costae decimae (par)
8424 | 17086 | tax |
neck of tenth rib (pair)
collum costae decimae (par)
8425 | 17093 | tax |
crest of neck of tenth rib (pair)
crista colli costae decimae (par)
8426 | 17100 | tax |
body of tenth rib (pair)
corpus costae decimae (par)
8427 | 17108 | tax |
tubercle of tenth rib (pair)
tuberculum costae decimae (par)
66101 | 17113 | tax |
articular face of tubercle of tenth rib (pair)
facies articularis tuberculi costae decimae (par)
8430 | 17119 | tax |
angle of tenth rib (pair)
angulus costae decimae (par)
8433 | 17125 | tax |
groove of tenth rib (pair)
sulcus costae decimae (par)
17131 | tax |
crest of body of tenth rib (pair)
crista corporis costae decimae (par)
8499 | 8574 | tax |
eleventh rib (pair) ; floating eleventh rib (pair)
costa undecima (par) ; costa undecima fluctuans (par)
8500 | 17064 | tax |
head of eleventh rib (pair)
caput costae undecimae (par)
8503 | 17073 | tax |
articular surface of head of eleventh rib (pair)
facies articularis capitis costae undecimae (par)
17080 | tax |
crest of head of eleventh rib (pair)
crista capitis costae undecimae (par)
323367 | 17087 | tax |
neck of eleventh rib (pair)
collum costae undecimae (par)
17094 | tax |
crest of neck of eleventh rib (pair)
crista colli costae undecimae (par)
8501 | 17101 | tax |
body of eleventh rib (pair)
corpus costae undecimae (par)
8520 | 17120 | tax |
angle of eleventh rib (pair)
angulus costae undecimae (par)
8506 | 17126 | tax |
groove of eleventh rib (pair)
sulcus costae undecimae (par)
17132 | tax |
crest of body of eleventh rib (pair)
crista corporis costae undecimae (par)
8515 | 8575 | tax |
twelfth rib (pair) ; floating twelfth rib (pair)
costa duodecima (par) ; costa duodecima fluctuans (par)
8516 | 17065 | tax |
head of twelfth rib (pair)
caput costae duodecimae (par)
8519 | 17074 | tax |
articular surface of head of twelfth rib (pair)
facies articularis capitis costae duodecimae (par)
17081 | tax |
crest of head of twelfth rib (pair)
crista capitis costae duodecimae (par)
323369 | 17088 | tax |
neck of twelfth rib (pair)
collum costae duodecimae (par)
17095 | tax |
crest of neck of twelfth rib (pair)
crista colli costae duodecimae (par)
8517 | 17102 | tax |
body of twelfth rib (pair)
corpus costae duodecimae (par)
17133 | tax |
crest of body of twelfth rib (pair)
crista corporis costae duodecimae (par)
7591 | 856 | tax |
costal cartilages (pair)
cartilagines costales (par)
7603 | 17901 | tax |
cartilage of first rib (pair)
cartilago costae primae (par)
7703 | 17902 | tax |
cartilage of second rib (pair)
cartilago costae secundae (par)
7741 | 17903 | tax |
cartilage of third rib (pair)
cartilago costae tertiae (par)
7768 | 17904 | tax |
cartilage of fourth rib (pair)
cartilago costae quartae (par)
7795 | 17905 | tax |
cartilage of fifth rib (pair)
cartilago costae quintae (par)
7822 | 17906 | tax |
cartilage of sixth rib (pair)
cartilago costae sextae (par)
7849 | 17907 | tax |
cartilage of seventh rib (pair)
cartilago costae septimae (par)
8139 | 17908 | tax |
cartilage of eighth rib (pair)
cartilago costae octavae (par)
8356 | 17909 | tax |
cartilage of ninth rib (pair)
cartilago costae nonae (par)
8437 | 17910 | tax |
cartilage of tenth rib (pair)
cartilago costae decimae (par)
8502 | 17911 | tax |
cartilage of eleventh rib (pair)
cartilago costae undecimae (par)
8518 | 17912 | tax |
cartilage of twelfth rib (pair)
cartilago costae duodecimae (par)
7485 | 877 | tax |
7486 | 878 | tax |
manubrium of sternum; handle of sternum
manubrium sterni
7541 | 879 | tax |
clavicular notch (pair)
incisura clavicularis (par)
7542 | 880 | tax |
jugular notch ; suprasternal notch
incisura jugularis
7547 | 881 | tax |
sternal angle
angulus sterni
7487 | 882 | tax |
body of sternum
corpus sterni
7488 | 883 | tax |
xiphoid process
processus xiphoideus
7520 | 884 | tax |
costal (pair)
incisurae costales (par)
885 | tax |
(suprasternal bones )
(ossa suprasternalia )
7480 | 886 | tax |
thoracic cage
cavea thoracica
7565 | 887 | tax |
thoracic cavity
cavitas thoracis
7566 | 888 | tax |
superior thoracic aperture; thoracic inlet
apertura thoracis superior
7567 | 889 | tax |
inferior thoracic aperture; thoracic outlet
apertura thoracis inferior
7568 | 890 | tax |
pulmonary sulcus (pair)
sulcus pulmonalis (par)
7569 | 891 | tax |
costal arch (pair) ; costal margin (pair)
arcus costalis (par)
12243 | 892 | tax |
intercostal space
spatium intercostale
7573 | 893 | tax |
infrasternal angle ; subcostal angle
angulus infrasternalis
9740 | 17897 | tax |
pleural cavity (pair)
cavitas pleuralis (par)
11350 | 17898 | tax |
pericardial cavity
cavitas pericardiaca
77132 | 17899 | tax |
transverse sinus of pericardium
sinus transversus pericardii
77133 | 17900 | tax |
oblique sinus of pericardium
sinus obliquus pericardii
300860 | 269 | tax |
appendicular skeletal system
systema skeletale appendiculare
25563 | 10842 |
skeletal system of upper limb
systema skeletale membri superioris
17633 |
skeletal system of lower limb
systema skeletale membri inferioris
24142 | 894 | tax |
bones of upper limb (pair)
ossa membri superioris (par)
23217 | 895 | tax |
pectoral girdle (pair) ; shoulder girdle (pair)
cingulum pectorale (par) ; cingulum membri superioris (par)
13394 | 896 | tax |
scapula (pair)
scapula (par)
23227 | 897 | tax |
costal surface of scapula (pair)
facies costalis scapulae (par) ; facies anterior scapulae (par)
299215 | 898 | tax |
subscapular fossa (pair)
fossa subscapularis (par)
23230 | 899 | tax |
posterior surface of scapula (pair)
facies posterior scapulae (par)
298302 | 902 | tax |
supraspinous fossa (pair)
fossa supraspinata (par)
299241 | 903 | tax |
infraspinous fossa (pair)
fossa infraspinata (par)
13453 | 900 | tax |
spine of scapula (pair)
spina scapulae (par)
23278 | 901 | tax |
deltoid tubercle (pair)
tuberculum deltoideum (par)
23260 | 904 | tax |
acromion (pair)
acromion (par)
63568 | 905 | tax |
clavicular facet (pair)
facies articularis claviculae (par)
23257 | 906 | tax |
acromial angle (pair)
angulus acromii (par)
63549 | 907 | tax |
medial border of scapula (pair)
margo medialis scapulae (par)
63548 | 908 | tax |
lateral border of scapula (pair)
margo lateralis scapulae (par)
63553 | 909 | tax |
superior border of scapula (pair)
margo superior scapulae (par)
17368 | tax |
superior scapular notch (pair)
incisura superior scapulae (par)
17369 | tax |
inferior scapular notch (pair)
incisura inferior scapulae (par)
13315 | 911 | tax |
inferior angle (pair)
angulus inferior (par)
23249 | 912 | tax |
lateral angle (pair)
angulus lateralis (par)
23809 | 17370 | tax |
glenoid process (pair)
processus glenoidalis (par)
23248 | 913 | tax |
superior angle (pair)
angulus superior (par)
23275 | 914 | tax |
glenoid cavity (pair)
cavitas glenoidalis (par)
23266 | 916 | tax |
infraglenoid tubercle (pair)
tuberculum infraglenoidale (par)
23263 | 915 | tax |
supraglenoid tubercle (pair)
tuberculum supraglenoidale (par)
63563 | 917 | tax |
neck of scapula (pair)
collum scapulae (par)
13455 | 918 | tax |
coracoid process (pair)
processus coracoideus (par)
13321 | 919 | tax |
clavicle (pair)
clavicula (par)
23297 | 920 | tax |
sternal extremity (pair)
extremitas sternalis (par)
23334 | 921 | tax |
sternal facet (pair)
facies articularis sternalis (par)
75810 | 922 | tax |
impression of costoclavicular ligament (pair)
impressio ligamenti costoclavicularis (par)
23294 | 923 | tax |
body of clavicle (pair) ; shaft of clavicle (pair)
corpus claviculae (par)
23343 | 924 | tax |
subclavian groove (pair); groove of musculus subclavius (pair)
sulcus musculi subclavii (par)
23300 | 925 | tax |
acromial extremity (pair)
extremitas acromialis (par)
23340 | 926 | tax |
acromial facet (pair)
facies articularis acromialis (par)
75811 | 927 | tax |
tuberosity of coracoacromial ligament (pair)
tuberositas ligamenti coracoacromialis (par)
23322 | 928 | tax |
conoid tubercle (pair)
tuberculum conoideum (par)
74586 | 929 | tax |
trapezoid line (pair)
linea trapezoidea (par)
24139 | 930 | tax |
bones of free upper limb (pair)
ossa partis liberae membri superioris (par)
13303 | 931 | tax |
humerus (pair)
humerus (par)
13304 | 932 | tax |
head of humerus (pair)
caput humeri (par)
23356 | 933 | tax |
anatomical neck of humerus (pair)
collum anatomicum humeri (par)
23359 | 934 | tax |
surgical neck of humerus (pair)
collum chirurgicum humeri (par)
23390 | 935 | tax |
greater tubercle of humerus (pair); greater tuberosity of humerus (pair)
tuberculum majus humeri (par)
23393 | 936 | tax |
lesser tubercle of humerus (pair); lesser tuberosity of humerus (pair)
tuberculum minus humeri (par)
74573 | 937 | tax |
intertubercular sulcus of humerus (pair) ; bicipital groove of humerus (pair)
sulcus intertubercularis humeri (par)
74574 | 938 | tax |
crest of greater tubercle of humerus (pair) ; lateral lip (pair)
crista tuberculi majoris humeri (par) ; labium laterale (par)
74575 | 939 | tax |
crest of lesser tubercle of humerus (pair) ; medial lip of humerus (pair)
crista tuberculi minoris humeri (par) ; labium mediale humeri (par)
13305 | 940 | tax |
shaft of humerus (pair); body of humerus (pair)
corpus humeri (par)
75158 | 941 | tax |
anteromedial surface of humerus (pair)
facies anteromedialis humeri (par)
75159 | 942 | tax |
anterolateral surface of humerus (pair)
facies anterolateralis humeri (par)
75160 | 943 | tax |
posterior surface of humerus (pair)
facies posterior humeri (par)
23417 | 944 | tax |
groove of radial nerve (pair)
sulcus nervi radialis (par)
75075 | 945 | tax |
medial border of shaft of humerus (pair)
margo medialis corporis humeri (par)
75076 | 946 | tax |
medial supraepicondylar crest (pair) ; medial supracondylar ridge (pair)
crista supraepicondylaris medialis (par) ; crista supracondylaris medialis (par)
75815 | 947 | tax |
(supracondylar process (pair) )
(processus supracondylaris (par) )
75077 | 948 | tax |
lateral border of shaft of humerus (pair)
margo lateralis corporis humeri (par)
75078 | 949 | tax |
lateral supraepicondylar crest (pair) ; lateral supracondylar ridge (pair)
crista supraepicondylaris lateralis (par) ; crista supracondylaris lateralis (par)
23418 | 950 | tax |
deltoid tuberosity (pair)
tuberositas deltoidea (par)
23377 | 951 | tax |
condyle of humerus (pair)
condylus humeri (par)
23373 | 952 | tax |
capitulum of humerus (pair)
capitulum humeri (par)
23370 | 953 | tax |
trochlea of humerus (pair)
trochlea humeri (par)
23450 | 954 | tax |
fossa of olecranon (pair)
fossa olecrani (par)
23451 | 955 | tax |
coronoid fossa (pair)
fossa coronoidea (par)
17371 | tax |
(supratrochlear foramen (pair) )
(foramen supratrochleare (par) )
23452 | 956 | tax |
radial fossa (pair)
fossa radialis (par)
23441 | 957 | tax |
medial epicondyle of humerus (pair)
epicondylus medialis humeri (par)
75340 | 958 | tax |
groove of ulnar nerve (pair)
sulcus nervi ulnaris (par)
23442 | 959 | tax |
lateral epicondyle of humerus (pair)
epicondylus lateralis humeri (par)
23463 | 960 | tax |
radius (pair)
radius (par)
33773 | 961 | tax |
head of radius (pair)
caput radii (par)
39817 | 962 | tax |
articular fovea of head of radius (pair)
fovea articularis capitis radii (par)
39816 | 963 | tax |
articular circumference (pair)
circumferentia articularis (par)
23479 | 964 | tax |
neck of radius (pair)
collum radii (par)
33782 | 965 | tax |
shaft of radius (pair); body of radius (pair)
corpus radii (par)
23489 | 966 | tax |
radial tuberosity (pair)
tuberositas radii (par)
75161 | 967 | tax |
anterior surface of radius (pair)
facies anterior radii (par)
75162 | 968 | tax |
posterior surface of radius (pair)
facies posterior radii (par)
75163 | 969 | tax |
lateral surface of radius (pair)
facies lateralis radii (par)
23513 | 970 | tax |
pronatory tuberosity of radius (pair)
tuberositas pronatoria radii (par)
39682 | 971 | tax |
interosseous border of radius (pair)
margo interosseus radii (par)
17372 | tax |
interosseous tuberosity of radius (pair)
tuberositas interossea radii (par)
75084 | 972 | tax |
anterior border of radius (pair)
margo anterior radii (par)
75085 | 973 | tax |
posterior border of radius (pair)
margo posterior radii (par)
23524 | 974 | tax |
styloid process of radius (pair)
processus styloideus radii (par)
75081 | 975 | tax |
suprastyloid crest of radius (pair)
crista suprastyloidea radii (par)
23527 | 976 | tax |
dorsal tubercle of radius (pair)
tuberculum dorsale radii (par)
977 | tax |
grooves for extensor muscle tendons
sulci tendinum musculorum extensorum (par)
75082 | 978 | tax |
ulnar notch of radius (pair)
incisura ulnaris radii (par)
23535 | 979 | tax |
carpal articular surface of radius (pair)
facies articularis carpalis radii (par)
17373 | tax |
scaphoid facet (pair)
faciecula scaphoidea (par)
17374 | tax |
lunate facet (pair)
faciecula lunata (par)
23466 | 980 | tax |
ulna (pair)
ulna (par)
39795 | 981 | tax |
olecranon (pair)
olecranon (par)
23616 | 982 | tax |
coronoid process of ulna (pair)
processus coronoideus ulnae (par)
23617 | 983 | tax |
tuberosity of ulna (pair)
tuberositas ulnae (par)
23618 | 984 | tax |
radial notch of ulna (pair)
incisura radialis ulnae (par)
23619 | 985 | tax |
trochlear notch of ulna (pair)
incisura trochlearis ulnae (par)
17375 | tax |
sublime tubercle (pair)
tuberculum sublime (par)
33760 | 986 | tax |
shaft of ulna (pair); body of ulna (pair)
corpus ulnae (par)
75164 | 987 | tax |
anterior surface of shaft of ulna (pair)
facies anterior corporis ulnae (par)
75165 | 988 | tax |
posterior surface of shaft of ulna (pair)
facies posterior corporis ulnae (par)
75166 | 989 | tax |
medial surface of shaft of ulna (pair)
facies medialis corporis ulnae (par)
39685 | 990 | tax |
interosseous border of shaft of ulna (pair)
margo interosseus corporis ulnae (par)
17377 | tax |
interosseous tuberosity of ulna (pair)
tuberositas interossea ulnae (par)
75084 | 991 | tax |
anterior border of shaft of ulna (pair)
margo anterior corporis ulnae (par)
75085 | 992 | tax |
posterior border of shaft of ulna (pair)
margo posterior corporis ulnae (par)
75086 | 993 | tax |
supinator crest (pair)
crista musculi supinatoris (par)
33751 | 994 | tax |
head of ulna (pair)
caput ulnae (par)
75087 | 995 | tax |
articular circumference of head of ulna (pair)
circumferentia articularis capitis ulnae (par)
23628 | 996 | tax |
ulnar styloid process (pair)
processus styloideus ulnae (par)
997 | tax |
bones of hand (pair)
ossa manus (par)
23889 | 998 | tax |
bones of wrist (pair) ; carpal bones (pair)
ossa carpi (par) ; ossa carpalia
321692 | 999 | tax |
(central bone (pair) )
(os centrale (par) )
23709 | 1000 | tax |
scaphoid (pair)
os scaphoideum (par)
23759 | 1001 | tax |
tubercle of scaphoid (pair)
tuberculum ossis scaphoidei (par)
23712 | 1002 | tax |
lunate (pair)
os lunatum (par)
23715 | 1003 | tax |
triquetrum (pair)
os triquetrum (par)
23718 | 1004 | tax |
pisiform (pair)
os pisiforme (par)
23721 | 1005 | tax |
trapezium (pair)
os trapezium (par)
39721 | 1006 | tax |
tubercle of trapezium (pair)
tuberculum ossis trapezii (par)
23724 | 1007 | tax |
trapezoid (pair)
os trapezoideum (par)
23727 | 1008 | tax |
capitate (pair)
os capitatum (par)
23730 | 1009 | tax |
hamate (pair)
os hamatum (par)
39978 | 1010 | tax |
hook of hamate (pair)
hamulus ossis hamati (par)
74576 | 1011 | tax |
carpal groove (pair)
sulcus carpi (par)
9612 | 1012 | tax |
metacarpals 1-5; metacarpal bones (pair)
ossa metacarpi I-V; ossa metacarpalia I-V
1012 |
# bone of metacarpus ; metacarpal bone
# os metacarpi ; os metacarpalis
33795 | 1013 | tax |
base of bone of metacarpus (pair)
basis ossis metacarpi (par)
33804 | 1014 | tax |
body of bone of metacarpus (pair)
corpus ossis metacarpi (par)
33798 | 1015 | tax |
head of bone of metacarpus (pair)
caput ossis metacarpi (par)
23899 | 10846 | tax |
metacarpal bone of thumb (pair)
os metacarpale pollicis (par)
42788 | 11112 | tax |
base of metacarpal bone of thumb (pair)
basis ossis metacarpalis pollicis (par)
42869 | 11113 | tax |
body of metacarpal bone of thumb (pair)
corpus ossis metacarpalis pollicis (par)
42803 | 11114 | tax |
head of metacarpal bone of thumb (pair)
caput ossis metacarpalis pollicis (par)
23900 | 10847 | tax |
metacarpal bone of index finger (pair)
os metacarpale digiti secundi (par)
42791 | 11124 | tax |
base of metacarpal bone of index finger (pair)
basis ossis metacarpalis digiti secundi (par)
42872 | 11128 | tax |
body of metacarpal bone of index finger (pair)
corpus ossis metacarpalis digiti secundi (par)
42806 | 11132 | tax |
head of metacarpal bone of index finger (pair)
caput ossis metacarpalis digiti secundi (par)
23901 | 10859 | tax |
metacarpal bone of third finger (pair)
os metacarpale digiti tertii (par)
42794 | 11136 | tax |
base of metacarpal bone of third finger (pair)
basis ossis metacarpalis digiti tertii (par)
42875 | 11140 | tax |
body of metacarpal bone of third finger (pair)
corpus ossis metacarpalis digiti tertii (par)
42809 | 11144 | tax |
head of metacarpal bone of third finger (pair)
caput ossis metacarpalis digiti tertii (par)
76637 | 1016 | tax |
styloid process of metacarpal bone of third finger (pair)
processus styloideus ossis metacarpalis digiti tertii (par)
23902 | 10863 | tax |
metacarpal bone of ring finger (pair)
os metacarpale digiti quarti (par)
42797 | 11148 | tax |
base of metacarpal bone of ring finger (pair)
basis ossis metacarpalis digiti quarti (par)
42878 | 11152 | tax |
body of metacarpal bone of ring finger (pair)
corpus ossis metacarpalis digiti quarti (par)
41812 | 11156 | tax |
head of metacarpal bone of ring finger (pair)
caput ossis metacarpalis digiti quarti (par)
23903 | 10877 | tax |
metacarpal bone of little finger (pair)
os metacarpale digiti minimi (par)
42800 | 11160 | tax |
base of metacarpal bone of little finger (pair)
basis ossis metacarpalis digiti minimi (par)
42881 | 11164 | tax |
body of metacarpal bone of little finger (pair)
corpus ossis metacarpalis digiti minimi (par)
42815 | 11168 | tax |
head of metacarpal bone of little finger (pair)
caput ossis metacarpalis digiti minimi (par)
23914 | 1017 | tax |
phalanges of hand (pair) ; bone of fingers (pair)
phalanges manus (par) ; ossa digitorum
1017 |
# phalanx of hand ; bone of fingers
# phalanx manus ; os digitorum manus
226482 | 1022 | tax |
base of phalanx of hand (pair)
basis phalangis manus (par)
326478 | 1023 | tax |
shaft of phalanx of hand (pair)
corpus phalangis manus (par)
226577 | 1024 | tax |
head of phalanx of hand (pair)
caput phalangis manus (par)
76633 | 1025 | tax |
trochlea of phalanx of hand (pair)
trochlea phalangis manus (par)
75816 | 1018 | tax |
proximal phalanges of hand (pair)
phalanges proximales manus (par)
23918 | 10879 | tax |
proximal phalanx of thumb (pair)
phalanx proximalis pollicis (par)
37490 | 11725 | tax |
base of proximal phalanx of thumb (pair)
basis phalangis proximalis pollicis (par)
40302 | 11730 | tax |
body of proximal phalanx of thumb (pair)
corpus phalangis proximalis pollicis (par)
37606 | 11731 | tax |
head of proximal phalanx of thumb (pair)
caput phalangis proximalis pollicis (par)
11732 | tax |
trochlea of proximal phalanx of thumb (pair)
trochlea phalangis proximalis pollicis (par)
23919 | 10868 | tax |
proximal phalanx of index finger (pair)
phalanx proximalis digiti secundi (par)
37499 | 11726 | tax |
base of proximal phalanx of index finger (pair)
basis phalangis proximalis digiti secundi (par)
37557 | 11733 | tax |
body of proximal phalanx of index finger (pair)
corpus phalangis proximalis digiti secundi (par)
37615 | 11734 | tax |
head of proximal phalanx of index finger (pair)
caput phalangis proximalis digiti secundi (par)
11735 | tax |
trochlea of head of proximal phalanx of index finger (pair)
trochlea capitis phalangis proximalis digiti secundi (par)
23920 | 10882 | tax |
proximal phalanx of third finger (pair)
phalanx proximalis digiti tertii (par)
37515 | 11727 | tax |
base of proximal phalanx of third finger (pair)
basis phalangis proximalis digiti tertii (par)
37569 | 11736 | tax |
body of proximal phalanx of third finger (pair)
corpus phalangis proximalis digiti tertii (par)
37627 | 11737 | tax |
head of proximal phalanx of third finger (pair)
caput phalangis proximalis digiti tertii (par)
11738 | tax |
trochlea of head of proximal phalanx of third finger (pair)
trochlea capitis phalangis proximalis digiti tertii (par)
23921 | 10883 | tax |
proximal phalanx of ring finger (pair) ▲
phalanx proximalis digiti quarti (par)
37523 | 11728 | tax |
base of proximal phalanx of ring finger (pair)
basis phalangis proximalis digiti quarti (par)
37581 | 11739 | tax |
body of proximal phalanx of ring finger (pair)
corpus phalangis proximalis digiti quarti (par)
37639 | 11740 | tax |
head of proximal phalanx of ring finger (pair)
caput phalangis proximalis digiti quarti (par)
11741 | tax |
trochlea of head of proximal phalanx of ring finger (pair)
trochlea capitis phalangis proximalis digiti quarti (par)
23922 | 10884 | tax |
proximal phalanx of little finger (pair)
phalanx proximalis digiti minimi (par)
37535 | 11729 | tax |
base of proximal phalanx of little finger (pair)
basis phalangis proximalis digiti minimi (par)
37593 | 11742 | tax |
body of proximal phalanx of little finger (pair)
corpus phalangis proximalis digiti minimi (par)
37650 | 11743 | tax |
head of proximal phalanx of little finger (pair)
caput phalangis proximalis digiti minimi (par)
11744 | tax |
trochlea of head of proximal phalanx of little finger (pair)
trochlea capitis phalangis proximalis digiti minimi (par)
75817 | 1019 | tax |
middle phalanges of hand (pair)
phalanges mediae manus (par)
23933 | 10885 | tax |
middle phalanx of index finger (pair)
phalanx media digiti secundi (par)
37502 | 11805 | tax |
base of middle phalanx of index finger (pair)
basis phalangis mediae digiti secundi (par)
37560 | 11809 | tax |
body of middle phalanx of index finger (pair)
corpus phalangis mediae digiti secundi (par)
37618 | 11810 | tax |
head of middle phalanx of index finger (pair)
caput phalangis mediae digiti secundi (par)
11811 | tax |
trochlea of middle phalanx of index finger (pair)
trochlea phalangis mediae digiti secundi (par)
23934 | 10886 | tax |
middle phalanx of third finger (pair)
phalanx media digiti tertii (par)
37514 | 11806 | tax |
base of middle phalanx of third finger (pair)
basis phalangis mediae digiti tertii (par)
37572 | 11812 | tax |
body of middle phalanx of third finger (pair)
corpus phalangis mediae digiti tertii (par)
37639 | 11813 | tax |
head of middle phalanx of third finger (pair)
caput phalangis mediae digiti tertii (par)
11814 | tax |
trochlea of middle phalanx of third finger (pair)
trochlea phalangis mediae digiti tertii (par)
23935 | 10888 | tax |
middle phalanx of ring finger (pair)
phalanx media digiti quarti (par)
37526 | 11807 | tax |
base of middle phalanx of ring finger (pair)
basis phalangis mediae digiti quarti (par)
37584 | 11815 | tax |
body of middle phalanx of ring finger (pair)
corpus phalangis mediae digiti quarti (par)
37642 | 11816 | tax |
head of middle phalanx of ring finger (pair)
caput phalangis mediae digiti quarti (par)
11817 | tax |
trochlea of middle phalanx of ring finger (pair)
trochlea phalangis mediae digiti quarti (par)
23936 | 10889 | tax |
middle phalanx of little finger (pair)
phalanx media digiti minimi (par)
37538 | 11808 | tax |
base of middle phalanx of little finger (pair)
basis phalangis mediae digiti minimi (par)
37596 | 11818 | tax |
body of middle phalanx of little finger (pair)
corpus phalangis mediae digiti minimi (par)
37654 | 11819 | tax |
head of middle phalanx of little finger (pair)
caput phalangis mediae digiti minimi (par)
11820 | tax |
trochlea of middle phalanx of little finger (pair)
trochlea phalangis mediae digiti minimi (par)
75818 | 1020 | tax |
distal phalanges of hand (pair)
phalanges distales manus (par)
1020 |
# distal phalanx of hand
# phalanx distalis manus
76641 | 1021 | tax |
tuberosities of distal phalanx of hand (pair)
tuberositates phalangis distalis manus (par)
23945 | 10890 | tax |
distal phalanx of thumb (pair)
phalanx distalis pollicis (par)
37493 | 11869 | tax |
base of distal phalanx of thumb (pair)
basis phalangis distalis pollicis (par)
40304 | 11870 | tax |
body of distal phalanx of thumb (pair)
corpus phalangis distalis pollicis (par)
37609 | 11879 | tax |
head of distal phalanx of thumb (pair)
caput phalangis distalis pollicis (par)
11880 | tax |
trochlea of head of distal phalanx of thumb (pair)
trochlea capitis phalangis distalis pollicis (par)
11881 | tax |
tuberosity of head of distal phalanx of thumb (pair)
tuberositas capitis phalangis distalis pollicis (par)
17210 | tax |
tuberosity of distal phalanx of thumb (pair)
tuberositas phalangis distalis pollicis (par)
23946 | 10891 | tax |
distal phalanx of index finger (pair)
phalanx distalis digiti secundi (par)
37505 | 11871 | tax |
base of distal phalanx of index finger (pair)
basis phalangis distalis digiti secundi (par)
37563 | 11872 | tax |
body of distal phalanx of index finger (pair)
corpus phalangis distalis digiti secundi (par)
37621 | 11891 | tax |
head of distal phalanx of index finger (pair)
caput phalangis distalis digiti secundi (par)
11892 | tax |
trochlea of head of distal phalanx of index finger (pair)
trochlea capitis phalangis distalis digiti secundi (par)
11893 | tax |
tuberosity of head of distal phalanx of index finger (pair)
tuberositas capitis phalangis distalis digiti secundi (par)
23947 | 10892 | tax |
distal phalanx of third finger (pair)
phalanx distalis digiti tertii (par)
11873 | tax |
base of distal phalanx of third finger (pair)
basis phalangis distalis digiti tertii (par)
37575 | 9635 | tax |
body of distal phalanx of third finger (pair)
corpus phalangis distalis digiti tertii (par)
37633 | 11882 | tax |
head of distal phalanx of third finger (pair)
caput phalangis distalis digiti tertii (par)
11883 | tax |
trochlea of head of distal phalanx of third finger (pair)
trochlea capitis phalangis distalis digiti tertii (par)
11884 | tax |
tuberosity of head of distal phalanx of third finger (pair)
tuberositas capitis phalangis distalis digiti tertii (par)
23948 | 10893 | tax |
distal phalanx of ring finger (pair)
phalanx distalis digiti quarti (par)
11875 | tax |
base of distal phalanx of ring finger (pair)
basis phalangis distalis digiti quarti (par)
37587 | 11876 | tax |
body of distal phalanx of ring finger (pair)
corpus phalangis distalis digiti quarti (par)
37645 | 11885 | tax |
head of distal phalanx of ring finger (pair)
caput phalangis distalis digiti quarti (par)
11886 | tax |
trochlea of head of distal phalanx of ring finger (pair)
trochlea capitis phalangis distalis digiti quarti (par)
11887 | tax |
tuberosity of head of distal phalanx of ring finger (pair)
tuberositas capitis phalangis distalis digiti quarti (par)
23949 | 10894 | tax |
distal phalanx of little finger (pair)
phalanx distalis digiti minimi (par)
11877 | tax |
base of distal phalanx of little finger (pair)
basis phalangis distalis digiti minimi (par)
37599 | 11878 | tax |
body of distal phalanx of little finger (pair)
corpus phalangis distalis digiti minimi (par)
37627 | 11888 | tax |
head of distal phalanx of little finger (pair)
caput phalangis distalis digiti minimi (par)
11889 | tax |
trochlea of head of distal phalanx of little finger (pair)
trochlea capitis phalangis distalis digiti minimi (par)
11890 | tax |
tuberosity of head of distal phalanx of little finger (pair)
tuberositas capitis phalangis distalis digiti minimi (par)
24140 | 1027 | tax |
bones of lower limb
ossa membri inferioris
16581 | 1028 | tax |
pelvic girdle (pair) ; lower limb girdle (pair)
cingulum pelvicum (par) ; cingulum membri inferioris (par)
16202 | 828 | tax | ||||
16585 | 1029 | tax |
hip bone (pair); coxal bone (pair); pelvic bone (pair)
os coxae (par)
16579 | 1030 | tax |
acetabulum (pair)
acetabulum (par)
43525 | 1031 | tax |
acetabular margin (pair)
limbus acetabuli (par) ; margo acetabuli (par)
17269 | 1032 | tax |
acetabular fossa (pair)
fossa acetabuli (par)
16944 | 1033 | tax |
acetabular notch (pair)
incisura acetabuli (par)
33525 | 1034 | tax |
lunate surface of acetabulum (pair)
facies lunata acetabuli (par)
43533 | 1035 | tax |
ischiopubic branch (pair)
ramus ischiopubicus (par)
16999 | 1036 | tax |
obturator foramen (pair)
foramen obturatum (par)
16902 | 1037 | tax |
greater sciatic notch (pair); greater isciatic notch (pair)
incisura ischiadica major (par)
16589 | 1038 | tax |
ilium (pair)
os ilium (par) ; ilium (par)
42825 | 1039 | tax |
body of ilium (pair)
corpus ossis ilii (par)
74577 | 1040 | tax |
supraacetabular groove of ilium (pair)
sulcus supraacetabularis ossis ilii (par)
42826 | 1041 | tax |
ala of ilium (pair); wing of ilium (pair)
ala ossis ilii (par)
75088 | 1042 | tax |
arcuate line (pair)
linea arcuata (par)
16914 | 1043 | tax |
iliac crest (pair)
crista iliaca (par)
63617 | 1044 | tax |
outer lip (pair)
labium externum (par)
16900 | 1045 | tax |
iliac tubercle (pair) ; tuberculum of iliac crest (pair)
tuberculum iliacum (par)
63619 | 1046 | tax |
intermediate zone (pair)
linea intermedia (par)
63618 | 1047 | tax |
inner lip (pair)
labium internum (par)
49465 | 1048 | tax |
superior anterior iliac spine (pair)
spina iliaca anterior superior (par)
63614 | 1049 | tax |
anterior inferior iliac spine (pair)
spina iliaca anterior inferior (par)
49468 | 1050 | tax |
posterior superior iliac spine (pair)
spina iliaca posterior superior (par)
63615 | 1051 | tax |
posterior inferior iliac spine (pair)
spina iliaca posterior inferior (par)
75316 | 1052 | tax |
iliac fossa (pair)
fossa iliaca (par)
75334 | 1053 | tax |
gluteal surface of ilium (pair)
facies glutea ossis ilii (par)
16922 | 1054 | tax |
anterior gluteal line (pair)
linea glutea anterior (par)
16925 | 1055 | tax |
posterior gluteal line (pair)
linea glutea posterior (par)
16928 | 1056 | tax |
inferior gluteal line (pair)
linea glutea inferior (par)
16975 | 1057 | tax |
sacropelvic surface of ilium (pair)
facies sacropelvica ossis ilii (par)
16935 | 1058 | tax |
auricular surface (pair)
facies auricularis (par)
16908 | 1059 | tax |
iliac tuberosity (pair)
tuberositas iliaca (par)
16592 | 1060 | tax |
ischium (pair)
os ischii (par) ; ischium (par)
17004 | 1061 | tax |
body of ischium (pair)
corpus ossis ischii (par)
17007 | 1062 | tax |
branch of ischium (pair)
ramus ossis ischii (par)
17010 | 1063 | tax |
ischial tuberosity (pair)
tuber ischiadicum (par)
17028 | 1064 | tax |
ischial spine (pair)
spina ischiadica (par)
16911 | 1065 | tax |
lesser sciatic notch (pair)
incisura ischiadica minor (par)
16595 | 1066 | tax |
pubis (pair)
os pubis (par) ; pubis (par)
16987 | 1067 | tax |
body of pubis (pair)
corpus ossis pubis (par)
16953 | 1068 | tax |
pubic tubercle (pair)
tuberculum pubicum (par)
16965 | 1069 | tax |
symphysial surface (pair)
facies symphysialis (par)
16950 | 1514 | tax | ||||
16952 | 1070 | tax |
pubic crest (pair)
crista pubica (par)
16988 | 1071 | tax |
superior pubic ramus (pair)
ramus superior ossis pubis (par)
16907 | 1072 | tax |
iliopubic eminence ; iliopubic ramus
eminentia iliopubica
16979 | 1073 | tax |
pecten of pubis ; pectineal line of pubis
pecten ossis pubis
16976 | 1074 | tax |
obturator crest
crista obturata
74578 | 1075 | tax |
obturator groove
sulcus obturatus
17034 | 1076 | tax |
anterior obturator tubercle
tuberculum obturatum anterius
75823 | 1077 | tax |
(posterior obturator tubercle )
(tuberculum obturatum posterius )
16989 | 1078 | tax |
inferior pubic ramus
ramus inferior ossis pubis
17185 |
phallic crest (pair)
crista phallica (par)
17186 |
groove of dorsal nerve of penis (pair) ♂
sulcus nervi dorsalis penis (par) ♂
17187 |
groove of dorsal nerve of clitoris (pair) ♀
sulcus nervi dorsalis clitoridis (par) ♀
9578 | 1079 | tax |
9738 | 1080 | tax |
pelvic cavity
cavitas pelvis; cavitas pelvina
16951 | 1081 | tax |
pubic arch
arcus pubicus
75090 | 1082 | tax |
subpubic angle
angulus subpubicus
259083 | 1083 | tax |
greater pelvis; false pelvis
pelvis major
74777 | 1084 | tax |
lesser pelvis; true pelvis
pelvis minor
75091 | 1085 | tax |
linea terminalis; terminal line
linea terminalis
17272 | 1086 | tax |
pelvic inlet
apertura pelvis superior
17273 | 1087 | tax |
pelvic outlet
apertura pelvis inferior
49500 | 1088 | tax |
axis of pelvis
axis pelvis
49502 | 1089 | tax |
transverse diameter
diameter transversus
17421 | 1090 | tax |
oblique diameter
diameter obliquus
49507 | 1091 | tax |
anatomical conjugate
conjugata anatomica
49510 | 1092 | tax |
true conjugate
conjugata vera
49511 | 1093 | tax |
diagonal conjugate
conjugata diagonalis
49512 | 1094 | tax |
straight conjugate
conjugata recta
49513 | 1095 | tax |
median conjugate
conjugata mediana
49514 | 1096 | tax |
external conjugate
conjugata externa
49515 | 1097 | tax |
interspinous distance ; interspinous diameter
distantia interspinalis
49516 | 1098 | tax |
intercristal distance ; intercristal diameter
distantia intercristalis
49517 | 1099 | tax |
intertrochanteric distance ; intertrochanteric diameter
distantia intertrochanterica
75425 | 1100 |
pelvic inclination
inclinatio pelvis
1101 |
bones of free lower limb (pair)
ossa partis liberae membri inferioris (par)
9611 | 1102 | tax |
femur (pair) ; thigh bone (pair)
femur (par) ; os femoris (par)
32851 | 1103 | tax |
head of femur (pair)
caput femoris (par)
43700 | 1104 | tax |
fovea of ligament of head of femur (pair)
fovea capitis femoris (par)
42385 | 1105 | tax |
neck of femur (pair)
collum femoris (par)
32852 | 1106 | tax |
greater trochanter (pair)
trochanter major (par)
43703 | 1107 | tax |
trochanteric fossa (pair)
fossa trochanterica (par)
32853 | 1108 | tax |
lesser trochanter (pair)
trochanter minor (par)
75824 | 1109 | tax |
(third trochanter (pair) )
(trochanter tertius (par) )
43712 | 1110 | tax |
intertrochanteric line (pair)
linea intertrochanterica (par)
75100 | 1111 | tax |
intertrochanteric crest (pair)
crista intertrochanterica (par)
43709 | 1112 | tax |
quadrate tubercle (pair)
tuberculum quadratum (par)
32847 | 1113 | tax |
body of femur (pair) ; shaft of femur (pair)
corpus femoris (par)
43715 | 1114 | tax |
linea aspera (pair)
linea aspera (par)
43718 | 1115 | tax |
lateral lip (pair)
labium laterale (par)
43719 | 1116 | tax |
medial lip (pair)
labium mediale (par)
43724 | 1117 | tax |
pectineal line (pair) ; spiral line (pair)
linea pectinea (par)
43727 | 1118 | tax |
gluteal tuberosity (pair)
tuberositas glutea (par)
43730 | 1119 | tax |
popliteal surface (pair)
facies poplitea (par)
43736 | 1120 | tax |
medial supracondylar line (pair)
linea supracondylaris medialis (par)
43737 | 1121 | tax |
lateral supracondylar line (pair)
linea supracondylaris lateralis (par)
32858 | 1122 | tax |
medial condyle of femur (pair)
condylus medialis femoris (par)
32864 | 1123 | tax |
medial epicondyle of femur (pair)
epicondylus medialis femoris (par)
32870 | 1124 | tax |
tubercle of adductor (pair)
tuberculum adductoris (par)
32859 | 1125 | tax |
lateral condyle of femur (pair)
condylus lateralis femoris (par)
32867 | 1126 | tax |
lateral epicondyle of femur (pair)
epicondylus lateralis femoris (par)
75342 | 1127 | tax |
groove of popliteal muscle (pair)
sulcus popliteus (par)
43745 | 1128 | tax |
patellar surface of femur (pair)
facies patellaris femoris (par)
43748 | 1129 | tax |
intercondylar fossa (pair)
fossa intercondylaris (par)
74590 | 1130 | tax |
intercondylar line (pair)
linea intercondylaris (par)
281591 | 11417 | tax |
(fabella (pair) )
(fabella (par) )
24485 | 1131 | tax |
patella (pair)
patella (par)
43671 | 1132 | tax |
base of patella (pair)
basis patellae (par)
43670 | 1133 | tax |
apex of patella (pair)
apex patellae (par)
43669 | 1134 | tax |
articular surface (pair)
facies articularis (par)
17195 | tax |
cristal surface (pair)
facies cristalis (par)
43679 | 17196 | tax |
lateral facet (pair)
faciecula lateralis (par)
43678 | 17197 | tax |
medial facet (pair)
faciecula medialis (par)
17198 | tax |
(accessory facet (pair) )
(faciecula accessoria (par) )
43651 | 1135 | tax |
anterior surface (pair)
facies anterior (par)
24476 | 1136 | tax |
tibia (pair)
tibia (par)
43838 | 1137 | tax |
superior articular surface (pair)
facies articularis superior (par)
43758 | 17203 | tax |
lateral facet (pair)
faciecula lateralis (par)
43755 | 17204 | tax |
medial facet (pair)
faciecula medialis (par)
35445 | 1138 | tax |
medial condyle (pair)
condylus medialis (par)
35448 | 1139 | tax |
lateral condyle (pair)
condylus lateralis (par)
43752 | 1140 | tax |
fibular articular surface (pair)
facies articularis fibularis (par)
35457 | 1141 | tax |
anterior intercondylar area (pair)
area intercondylaris anterior (par)
35460 | 1142 | tax |
posterior intercondylar area (pair)
area intercondylaris posterior (par)
43761 | 1143 | tax |
intercondylar eminence (pair)
eminentia intercondylaris (par)
43764 | 1144 | tax |
medial intercondylar tubercle (pair)
tuberculum intercondylare mediale (par)
43765 | 1145 | tax |
lateral intercondylar tubercle (pair)
tuberculum intercondylare laterale (par)
33125 | 1146 | tax |
body of tibia (pair) ; shaft of tibia (pair)
corpus tibiae (par)
35463 | 1147 | tax |
tibial tuberosity (pair)
tuberositas tibiae (par)
43770 | 1148 | tax |
medial surface of tibia (pair)
facies medialis tibiae (par)
37134 | 1149 | tax |
posterior surface of tibia (pair)
facies posterior tibiae (par)
43773 | 1150 | tax |
soleal line (pair)
linea musculi solei (par)
43776 | 1151 | tax |
lateral surface of tibia (pair)
facies lateralis tibiae (par)
13371 | tax |
tubercle of iliotibial tract (pair)
tuberculum tractus iliotibialis (par)
75102 | 1152 | tax |
anterior border of tibia (pair)
margo anterior tibiae (par)
75103 | 1153 | tax |
medial border of tibia (pair)
margo medialis tibiae (par)
75104 | 1154 | tax |
interosseous border of tibia (pair)
margo interosseus tibiae (par)
35451 | 1155 | tax |
medial malleolus (pair)
malleolus medialis (par)
81040 | 1156 | tax |
malleolar groove (pair)
sulcus malleolaris (par)
77233 | 1157 | tax |
articular facet of medial malleolus (pair)
faciecula articularis malleoli medialis (par)
17205 |
anterior tubercle of tibia (pair)
tuberculum tibiae anterius (par)
17206 |
posterior tubercle of tibia (pair)
tuberculum tibiae posterius (par)
323770 | 17207 | tax |
posterior malleolus (pair)
malleolus posterior (par)
43835 | 1158 | tax |
fibular notch of tibia (pair)
incisura fibularis tibiae (par)
43841 | 1159 | tax |
inferior articular surface (pair)
facies articularis inferior (par)
24479 | 1160 | tax |
fibula (pair)
fibula (par)
33729 | 1161 | tax |
fibular head (pair)
caput fibulae (par)
66210 | 1162 | tax |
articular surface of fibular head (pair)
facies articularis capitis fibulae (par)
17208↓ | tax |
oblique crest (pair)
crista obliqua (par)
43845 | 1163 | tax |
apex of fibular head (pair)
apex capitis fibulae (par)
35508 | 1164 | tax |
neck of fibula (pair)
cervix fibulae (par)
33738 | 1165 | tax |
body of fibula (pair) ; shaft of fibula (pair)
corpus fibulae (par)
43848 | 1166 | tax |
lateral surface of fibula (pair)
facies lateralis fibulae (par)
43849 | 1167 | tax |
medial surface of fibula (pair)
facies medialis fibulae (par)
17209 | tax |
interosseous tuberosity of fibula (pair)
tuberositas interossea fibulae (par)
37169 | 1168 | tax |
posterior surface of fibula (pair)
facies posterior fibulae (par)
43873 | 1169 | tax |
medial crest (pair)
crista medialis (par)
75106 | 1170 | tax |
anterior border of fibula
margo anterior fibulae
75107 | 1171 | tax |
interosseous border of fibula
margo interosseus fibulae
75108 | 1172 | tax |
posterior border of fibula
margo posterior fibulae
35502 | 1173 | tax |
lateral malleolus
malleolus lateralis
43866 | 1174 | tax |
articular surface of lateral malleolus
facies articularis malleoli lateralis
43870 | 1175 | tax |
malleolar fossa
fossa malleoli lateralis
43869 | 1176 | tax |
malleolar groove
sulcus malleolaris
1177 | tax |
bones of foot (pair)
ossa pedis (par)
24491 | 1178 | tax |
tarsal bones (pair)
ossa tarsi (par)
9708 | 1179 | tax |
talus (pair)
talus (par)
33635 | 1180 | tax |
head of talus (pair)
caput tali (par)
33610 | 1181 | tax |
navicular articular surface (pair)
facies articularis navicularis (par)
33617 | 1182 | tax |
articular surface of plantar calcaneonavicular ligament (pair)
facies articularis ligamenti calcaneonavicularis plantaris (par)
75825 | 1183 | tax |
articular surface of calcaneonavicular ligament (pair)
facies articularis ligamenti calcaneonavicularis (par)
33616 | 1184 | tax |
anterior facet of calcaneus (pair)
facies articularis calcanea anterior (par)
33636 | 1185 | tax |
neck of talus (pair)
collum tali (par)
33616 | 1186 | tax |
middle facet of calcaneus (pair)
facies articularis calcanea media (par)
77235 | 1187 | tax |
sulcus of talus (pair)
sulcus tali (par)
33637 | 1188 | tax |
body of talus (pair)
corpus tali (par)
33638 | 1189 | tax |
trochlea of talus (pair)
trochlea tali (par)
33624 | 1190 | tax |
superior facet (pair)
facies superior (par)
35150 | 1191 | tax |
lateral malleolar surface (pair)
facies malleolaris lateralis (par)
33651 | 1192 | tax |
lateral process of talus (pair)
processus lateralis tali (par)
33146 | 1193 | tax |
medial malleolar facet (pair)
facies malleolaris medialis (par)
33650 | 1194 | tax |
posterior process of talus (pair)
processus posterior tali (par)
47200 | 1195 | tax |
groove of tendon of long flexor muscle of great toe (pair)
sulcus tendinis musculi flexoris hallucis longi (par)
33655 | 1196 | tax |
lateral tubercle (pair)
tuberculum laterale (par)
33656 | 1197 | tax |
medial tubercle (pair)
tuberculum mediale (par)
33632 | 1198 | tax |
posterior calcaneal articular surface (pair)
facies articularis calcanea posterior (par)
33655 | 1199 | tax |
(os trigonum (pair))
(os trigonum (par) )
24496 | 1200 | tax |
calcaneus (pair)
calcaneus (par)
33640 | 1201 | tax |
calcaneal tuberosity (pair)
tuber calcanei (par)
34723 | 1202 | tax |
medial process of calcaneal tuberosity (pair)
processus medialis tuberis calcanei (par)
34724 | 1203 | tax |
lateral process of calcaneal tuberosity (pair)
processus lateralis tuberis calcanei (par)
1204 | tax |
calcaneal tubercle (pair)
tuberculum calcanei (par)
33641 | 1205 | tax |
sustentaculum tali (pair)
sustentaculum tali (par)
47200 | 1195 | tax | ||||
77236 | 1207 | tax |
calcaneal sulcus (pair)
sulcus calcanei (par)
35138 | 1208 | tax |
tarsal sinus (pair)
sinus tarsi (par)
33714 | 1209 | tax |
anterior talar articular surface (pair)
facies articularis talaris anterior (par)
33715 | 1210 | tax |
middle talar articular surface (pair)
facies articularis talaris media (par)
33716 | 1211 | tax |
posterior talar articular surface (pair)
facies articularis talaris posterior (par)
75109 | 1212 | tax |
groove of tendon of fibularis longus muscle (pair); groove of tendon of peroneus longus muscle (pair)
sulcus tendinis musculi fibularis longi (par); sulcus tendinis musculi peronei longi (par)
34725 | 1213 | tax |
fibular trochlea (pair) ; peroneal trochlea (pair); peroneal tubercle (pair)
trochlea fibularis (par) ; trochlea peronealis (par)
33707 | 1214 | tax |
cuboid articular surface (pair)
facies articularis cuboidea (par)
17277 | tax |
anterior process of calcaneus (pair)
processus calcanei anterior (par)
24499 | 1215 | tax |
navicular (pair)
os naviculare (par)
1216 | tax |
tuberosity of navicular of foot (pair)
tuberositas ossis navicularis (par)
24517 | 10473 | tax |
cuneiform bones (pair)
ossa cuneiformia (par)
24518 | 1217 | tax |
medial cuneiform (pair); first cuneiform (pair)
os cuneiforme mediale (par)
24519 | 1218 | tax |
intermediate cuneiform (pair); middle cuneiform (pair)
os cuneiforme intermedium (par)
24520 | 1219 | tax |
lateral cuneiform (pair); third cuneiform (pair)
os cuneiforme laterale (par)
24527 | 1220 | tax |
cuboid (pair)
os cuboideum (par)
75110 | 1221 | tax |
groove of tendon of fibularis longus muscle (pair); groove of tendon of peroneus longus muscle (pair)
sulcus tendinis musculi fibularis longi (par); sulcus tendinis musculi peronei longi (par)
76642 | 1222 | tax |
tuberosity of cuboid (pair)
tuberositas ossis cuboidei (par)
76638 | 1223 | tax |
calcaneal process of cuboid (pair)
processus calcaneus ossis cuboidei (par)
71340 | 1224 | tax |
metatarsals 1-5; metatarsal bones (pair)
ossa metatarsi I-V; ossa metatarsalia I-V
1224 |
# bone of metatarsus ; metatarsal bone
# os metatarsi
33817 | 1225 | tax |
base of bone of metatarsus (pair)
basis ossis metatarsi (par)
33826 | 1226 | tax |
shaft of bone of metatarsus (pair); body of bone of metatarsus (pair)
corpus ossis metatarsi (par)
33820 | 1227 | tax |
head of bone of metatarsus (pair)
caput ossis metatarsi (par)
24502 | 10895 | tax |
metatarsal bone of great toe (pair)
os metatarsale hallucis (par)
42963 | 17278 | tax |
base of metatarsal bone of great toe (pair)
basis ossis metatarsalis hallucis (par)
43007 | 17279 | tax |
body of metatarsal bone of great toe (pair)
corpus ossis metatarsalis hallucis (par)
33815 | 17280 | tax |
head of metatarsal bone of great toe (pair)
caput ossis metatarsalis hallucis (par)
76643 | 1228 | tax |
tuberosity of head of metatarsal bone of great toe (pair)
tuberositas capitis ossis metatarsalis hallucis (par)
24503 | 10896 | tax |
metatarsal bone of second toe (pair)
os metatarsale digiti secundi pedis (par)
42964 | 17282 | tax |
base of metatarsal bone of second toe (pair)
basis ossis metatarsalis digiti secundi pedis (par)
43008 | 17283 | tax |
body of metatarsal bone of second toe (pair)
corpus ossis metatarsalis digiti secundi pedis (par)
33816 | 17284 | tax |
head of metatarsal bone of second toe (pair)
caput ossis metatarsalis digiti secundi pedis (par)
24504 | 10897 | tax |
metatarsal bone of third toe (pair)
os metatarsale digiti tertii pedis (par)
42965 | 17285 | tax |
base of metatarsal bone of third toe (pair)
basis ossis metatarsalis digiti tertii pedis (par)
43009 | 17288 | tax |
body of metatarsal bone of third toe (pair)
corpus ossis metatarsalis digiti tertii pedis (par)
86313 | 17289 | tax |
head of metatarsal bone of third toe (pair)
caput ossis metatarsalis digiti tertii pedis (par)
24505 | 10898 | tax |
metatarsal bone of fourth toe (pair)
os metatarsale digiti quarti pedis (par)
42966 | 17290 | tax |
base of metatarsal bone of fourth toe (pair)
basis ossis metatarsalis digiti quarti pedis (par)
43010 | 17291 | tax |
body of metatarsal bone of fourth toe (pair)
corpus ossis metatarsalis digiti quarti pedis (par)
86314 | 17292 | tax |
head of metatarsal bone of fourth toe (pair)
caput ossis metatarsalis digiti quarti pedis (par)
24506 | 10899 | tax |
metatarsal bone of little toe (pair)
os metatarsale digiti quinti pedis (par)
42967 | 17293 | tax |
base of metatarsal bone of little toe (pair)
basis ossis metatarsalis digiti quinti pedis (par)
43011 | 17294 | tax |
body of metatarsal bone of little toe (pair)
corpus ossis metatarsalis digiti quinti pedis (par)
86315 | 17295 | tax |
head of metatarsal bone of little toe (pair)
caput ossis metatarsalis digiti quinti pedis (par)
76644 | 1229 | tax |
tuberosity of head of metatarsal bone of little toe (pair)
tuberositas capitis ossis metatarsalis digiti quinti pedis (par)
24493 | 1230 | tax |
phalanges of foot (pair) ; bone of toes (pair)
phalanges pedis (par) ; ora digitorum pedis (par)
1230 |
# phalanx of foot ; bone of toes
# phalanx pedis ; os digitorum pedis
32888 | 1235 | tax |
base of phalanx of foot (pair)
basis phalangis pedis (par)
226737 | 1236 |
shaft of phalanx of foot (pair)
corpus phalangis pedis (par)
32890 | 1237 |
head of phalanx of foot (pair)
caput phalangis pedis (par)
76632 | 1238 | tax |
trochlea of head of phalanx of foot (pair)
trochlea capitis phalangis pedis (par)
75828 | 1231 | tax |
proximal phalanges of foot (pair)
phalanges proximales pedis (par)
43252 | 10900 | tax |
proximal phalanx of great toe (pair)
phalanx proximalis hallucis (par)
32949 | 17216 | tax |
base of proximal phalanx of great toe (pair)
basis phalangis proximalis hallucis (par)
17230 | tax |
body of proximal phalanx of great toe (pair)
corpus phalangis proximalis hallucis (par)
33033 | 17244 | tax |
head of proximal phalanx of great toe (pair)
caput phalangis proximalis hallucis (par)
17258 | tax |
trochlea of head of proximal phalanx of great toe (pair)
trochlea capitis phalangis proximalis hallucis (par)
32618 | 10901 | tax |
proximal phalanx of second toe (pair)
phalanx proximalis digiti secundi pedis (par)
32955 | 17217 | tax |
base of proximal phalanx of second toe (pair)
basis phalangis proximalis digiti secundi pedis (par)
32997 | 17231 | tax |
body of proximal phalanx of second toe (pair)
corpus phalangis proximalis digiti secundi pedis (par)
33039 | 17245 | tax |
head of proximal phalanx of second toe (pair)
caput phalangis proximalis digiti secundi pedis (par)
17259 | tax |
trochlea of head of proximal phalanx of second toe (pair)
trochlea capitis phalangis proximalis digiti secundi pedis (par)
32619 | 10902 | tax |
proximal phalanx of third toe (pair)
phalanx proximalis digiti tertii pedis (par)
32964 | 17218 | tax |
base of proximal phalanx of third toe (pair)
basis phalangis proximalis digiti tertii pedis (par)
33006 | 17232 | tax |
body of proximal phalanx of third toe (pair)
corpus phalangis proximalis digiti tertii pedis (par)
33048 | 17246 | tax |
head of proximal phalanx of third toe (pair)
caput phalangis proximalis digiti tertii pedis (par)
17260 | tax |
trochlea of head of proximal phalanx of third toe (pair)
trochlea capitis phalangis proximalis digiti tertii pedis (par)
32620 | 10903 | tax |
proximal phalanx of fourth toe (pair)
phalanx proximalis digiti quarti pedis (par)
32973 | 17219 | tax |
base of proximal phalanx of fourth toe (pair)
basis phalangis proximalis digiti quarti pedis (par)
33015 | 17233 | tax |
body of proximal phalanx of fourth toe (pair)
corpus phalangis proximalis digiti quarti pedis (par)
33085 | 17247 | tax |
head of proximal phalanx of fourth toe (pair)
caput phalangis proximalis digiti quarti pedis (par)
17261 | tax |
trochlea of head of proximal phalanx of fourth toe (pair)
trochlea capitis phalangis proximalis digiti quarti pedis (par)
32621 | 10904 | tax |
proximal phalanx of little toe (pair)
phalanx proximalis digiti quinti pedis (par)
32982 | 17220 | tax |
base of proximal phalanx of little toe (pair)
basis phalangis proximalis digiti quinti pedis (par)
33024 | 17234 | tax |
body of proximal phalanx of little toe (pair)
corpus phalangis proximalis digiti quinti pedis (par)
33100 | 17248 | tax |
head of proximal phalanx of little toe (pair)
caput phalangis proximalis digiti quinti pedis (par)
17262 | tax |
trochlea of head of proximal phalanx of little toe (pair)
trochlea capitis phalangis proximalis digiti quinti pedis (par)
75829 | 1232 | tax |
middle phalanges of foot (pair)
phalanges mediae pedis (par)
32623 | 10905 | tax |
middle phalanx of second toe (pair)
phalanx media digiti secundi pedis (par)
32958 | 17221 | tax |
base of middle phalanx of second toe (pair)
basis phalangis mediae digiti secundi pedis (par)
33000 | 17235 | tax |
body of middle phalanx of second toe (pair)
corpus phalangis mediae digiti secundi pedis (par)
33042 | 17249 | tax |
head of middle phalanx of second toe (pair)
caput phalangis mediae digiti secundi pedis (par)
17263 | tax |
trochlea of head of middle phalanx of second toe (pair)
trochlea capitis phalangis mediae digiti secundi pedis (par)
32624 | 10906 | tax |
middle phalanx of third toe (pair)
phalanx media digiti tertii pedis (par)
32967 | 17222 | tax |
base of middle phalanx of third toe (pair)
basis phalangis mediae digiti tertii pedis (par)
33009 | 17236 | tax |
body of middle phalanx of third toe (pair)
corpus phalangis mediae digiti tertii pedis (par)
33051 | 17250 | tax |
head of middle phalanx of third toe (pair)
caput phalangis mediae digiti tertii pedis (par)
17264 | tax |
trochlea of head of middle phalanx of third toe (pair)
trochlea capitis phalangis mediae digiti tertii pedis (par)
32625 | 10907 | tax |
middle phalanx of fourth toe (pair)
phalanx media digiti quarti pedis (par)
32976 | 17223 | tax |
base of middle phalanx of fourth toe (pair)
basis phalangis mediae digiti quarti pedis (par)
33018 | 17237 | tax |
body of middle phalanx of fourth toe (pair)
corpus phalangis mediae digiti quarti pedis (par)
33088 | 17251 | tax |
head of middle phalanx of fourth toe (pair)
caput phalangis mediae digiti quarti pedis (par)
17265 | tax |
trochlea of head of middle phalanx of fourth toe (pair)
trochlea capitis phalangis mediae digiti quarti pedis (par)
230984 | 10908 | tax |
middle phalanx of little toe (pair)
phalanx media digiti quinti pedis (par)
32985 | 17224 | tax |
base of middle phalanx of little toe (pair)
basis phalangis mediae digiti quinti pedis (par)
33027 | 17238 | tax |
body of middle phalanx of little toe (pair)
corpus phalangis mediae digiti quinti pedis (par)
33103 | 17252 | tax |
head of middle phalanx of little toe (pair)
caput phalangis mediae digiti quinti pedis (par)
17266 | tax |
trochlea of head of middle phalanx of little toe (pair)
trochlea capitis phalangis mediae digiti quinti pedis (par)
75830 | 1233 | tax |
distal phalanges of foot (pair)
phalanges distales pedis (par)
1233 |
# distal phalanx of foot
# phalanx distalis pedis
76645 | 1234 | tax |
tuberosity of distal phalanx of foot (pair)
tuberositas phalangis distalis pedis (par)
32627 | 10910 | tax |
distal phalanx of great toe (pair)
phalanx distalis hallucis (par)
32952 | 17225 | tax |
base of distal phalanx of great toe (pair)
basis phalangis distalis hallucis (par)
32994 | 17239 | tax |
body of distal phalanx of great toe (pair)
corpus phalangis distalis hallucis (par)
33036 | 17253 | tax |
head of distal phalanx of great toe (pair)
caput phalangis distalis hallucis (par)
17267 | tax |
trochlea of head of distal phalanx of great toe (pair)
trochlea capitis phalangis distalis hallucis (par)
17272 | tax |
tuberosity of distal phalanx of great toe (pair)
tuberositas phalangis distalis hallucis (par)
32628 | 10911 | tax |
distal phalanx of second toe (pair)
phalanx distalis digiti secundi pedis (par)
32961 | 17226 | tax |
base of distal phalanx of second toe (pair)
basis phalangis distalis digiti secundi pedis (par)
33003 | 17240 | tax |
body of distal phalanx of second toe (pair)
corpus phalangis distalis digiti secundi pedis (par)
33045 | 17254 | tax |
head of distal phalanx of second toe (pair)
caput phalangis distalis digiti secundi pedis (par)
17268 | tax |
trochlea of head of distal phalanx of second toe (pair)
trochlea capitis phalangis distalis digiti secundi pedis (par)
17273 | tax |
tuberosity of distal phalanx of second toe (pair)
tuberositas phalangis distalis digiti secundi pedis (par)
32629 | 10918 | tax |
distal phalanx of third toe (pair)
phalanx distalis digiti tertii pedis (par)
32970 | 17227 | tax |
base of distal phalanx of third toe (pair)
basis phalangis distalis digiti tertii pedis (par)
33012 | 17241 | tax |
body of distal phalanx of third toe (pair)
corpus phalangis distalis digiti tertii pedis (par)
33054 | 17255 | tax |
head of distal phalanx of third toe (pair)
caput phalangis distalis digiti tertii pedis (par)
17269 | tax |
trochlea of head of distal phalanx of third toe (pair)
trochlea capitis phalangis distalis digiti tertii pedis (par)
17274 | tax |
tuberosity of distal phalanx of third toe (pair)
tuberositas phalangis distalis digiti tertii pedis (par)
32630 | 10919 | tax |
distal phalanx of fourth toe (pair)
phalanx distalis digiti quarti pedis (par)
32979 | 17228 | tax |
base of distal phalanx of fourth toe (pair)
basis phalangis distalis digiti quarti pedis (par)
33021 | 17242 | tax |
body of distal phalanx of fourth toe (pair)
corpus phalangis distalis digiti quarti pedis (par)
33091 | 17256 | tax |
head of distal phalanx of fourth toe (pair)
caput phalangis distalis digiti quarti pedis (par)
17270 | tax |
trochlea of head of distal phalanx of fourth toe (pair)
trochlea capitis phalangis distalis digiti quarti pedis (par)
17275 | tax |
tuberosity of distal phalanx of fourth toe (pair)
tuberositas phalangis distalis digiti quarti pedis (par)
32631 | 10920 | tax |
distal phalanx of little toe (pair)
phalanx distalis digiti quinti pedis (par)
32988 | 17229 | tax |
base of distal phalanx of little toe (pair)
basis phalangis distalis digiti quinti pedis (par)
33030 | 17243 | tax |
body of distal phalanx of little toe (pair)
corpus phalangis distalis digiti quinti pedis (par)
33106 | 17257 | tax |
head of distal phalanx of little toe (pair)
caput phalangis distalis digiti quinti pedis (par)
17271 | tax |
trochlea of head of distal phalanx of little toe (pair)
trochlea capitis phalangis distalis digiti quinti pedis (par)
17276 | tax |
tuberosity of distal phalanx of little toe (pair)
tuberositas phalangis distalis digiti quinti pedis (par)
1239 | tax |
sesamoid bones of foot (pair)
ossa sesamoidea pedis (par)
1893 lines
86.7 %
93.1 %
92 partial items
4612 entities
Scientific notes |
Libelle of note
359 |
The foramen lacerum consists of external and internal fissures.
552 |
The canalis facialis has four segments or parts (Lang J 1992 Klinische Anatomie des Ohres. Springer, Vienna, New York), labyrinthine, tympanic, pyramidal and mastoid.
553 |
The space for the geniculum is also known as Fossa geniculata (Lang J 1992 Klinische Anatomie des Ohres. Springer, Vienna, New York).
554 |
The chorda tympani passes from the facial canal through the posterior tympanic canaliculus to enter the tympanic cavity, then leaves through the anterior tympanic canaliculus to reach the petrotympanic fissure.
592 |
The inferior tympanic canaliculus transmits the tympanic branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve, whereas the posterior and anterior tympanic canaliculi transmit the chorda tympani.
753 |
Since there are other foramina in the mandibula, it has been suggested to use the term Foramen alveolare inferius for the Foramen mandibulae, according to its contents, the inferior alveolar neurovascular bundle (Buch 2011 Clin Anat 24:515-517).
7292 |
The clinical term cog refers to a coronally oriented osseous ridge protruding in the middle ear cavity, for which the term processus inferior tegminis was introduced (Lang J 1992 Klinische Anatomie des Ohres. Springer, Wien – New York).
7294 |
In ENT Surgery, the Crista verticalis is known as 'Bill's bar' (after William House). It separates the Superior portion of the meatus into an anterior channel for the Facial nerve and a posterior channel for the Superior vestibular nerve.
13849 |
For a description of the Eminentia articularis, see Alt KW, Rösing LW, Teschler-Nicola M, eds, (1995) Dental Anthropology. Fundamentals, Limits and Prospects. Springer, Wien, New York, p 151.
14132 |
See note # 554
17012 |
Juga cerebralia are listed separately as positive structures.
17013 |
The variant cranioorbital foramen and the sphenotemporal foramen may form channels through which branches of the external carotid artery participate in orbital vascularization (Ducasse et al.1985 J Fr Ophthalmol 8:333-339).
17014 |
See note # 17013
17039 |
This rarely mentioned process forms an important part of the closure of the hiatus sinus maxillaris (Krmpotic-Nemankic et al. 2003 Ann Anat 185:53-56).
17040 |
This variant bipartite zygomatic is found in approximately 4%.
17208 |
New term suggested by Foijtik P, Kašper Š, Bartonicek J, Tucek M, Nanka O. Surg Radiol Anat 2023; 45:255-262.
Signature |
Type of list | P1F |
List Unit Identifier | 259 |
Sublist 1 | 305 cranium 208/113 on 1.7.2024 |
Sublist 2 | 402 ossa cranii 1092/409 on 4.7.2024 |
Sublist 3 | 769 columna vertebralis 1225/596 on 8.10.2024 |
Sublist 4 | 851 skeleton thoracis 517/184 on 5.10.2024 |
Sublist 5 | 894 ossa membri superioris 683/228 on 9.10.2024 |
Sublist 6 | 1027 ossa membri inferioris 876/320 on 13.10.2024 |
Subtotals | subchildren 4601 subunits 1850 |
Proper children | 10 |
Number of children | 4611 (validated) |
Proper units | 5 |
Number of units | 1855 (validated) |
Signature | 3670 (validated since 13.10.2024) |
Date: 13.10.2024 |